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Sealskin emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Hope rises when you come across a pedestal at the far end of the room. On it is sealskin that you could wear across your back like some barbarian invader. Not bad. You pick it up. It’s surprisingly light. Without a second thought, you throw it across your back and put it on. It’s comfortable and you already feel warm. Heck, if all you have to do is wear this to get out of here then why not?


Suddenly the floor bubbles beneath you. You look down and see a green portal open much like the one that sent you here in the first place. You shout and try to move but it’s too late. The portal pulls you down and soon you are falling through it. You manage to grab on the sides of the floor as you are pulled down, but the portal’s force only grows stronger because of it. With one last cry, you are completely yanked through the portal.


You emerge on the other side of the portal completely underwater. You flail about in the water and immediately notice your usually clumsy underwater movements are less so. You figure out soon why because you arms are no longer arms. You have fin-like feet like a…like a seal! You swim forward and look down your body, noticing how something at the end of your body moves along with your flippers. You’ve been turned into a seal! You are covered in fur, have flipper at your sides and the back of your body, and you can see part of your muzzle and whiskers in your vision. The water is a little cold but your thick layer of blubber keeps you plenty warm. With your examination of body over, you swim back towards the portal. Perhaps if you swim through it, you can reverse the changes and choose another costume. You speed towards the portal.


Unfortunately, the portal closes as you draw near it. Frustrated, you swim around in circles in the sea and consider what you can do now. You can’t stay a seal! Maybe there’s something or someone out there who can help you. You rise up to the surface of the water and look for anything. For a bit you only see the open sea but after some turning around your eyes fall on a bit of shore in the distance. If there’s shore, maybe someone lives on it? Someone that could aid you? What other choice do you have? Just swim in the ocean?

Written by skiesofsilver on 04 March 2016

Both To the shore
Both Exploring What You Are

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