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To the shore emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You make up your mind and swim towards the shore. While you swim, you marvel at the fact that swimming isn’t that strange in this form. In fact, your seal shape feels completely natural as if it is what you’ve been your entire life. Still, you do surface constantly until you realize you can hold your breath for quite a while. How long? You’re not really sure and you don’t want to test it out. Your main goal is to reach the shore. You pass a few schools of your fish on your way there. They look oddly more delicious.


Eventually you reach the shore. With some trepidation you approach the shallow waters near the shore and catch a slight wave to make it onto the sand. You wriggle around on the sandy shore for a moment, unsure how you’re going to move efficiently like this and unsure how you really expect to meet anyone. As you wriggle about, something strange happens. Your form glows briefly and then you have arms and legs. You blink. Not just that—you’re totally human again! You get to your feet and notice something wobbles as you stand. You look down and yourself and let out a gasp. You’re totally naked except for the sealskin you wear on your back, allowing you to see that you’re not as you once were. The wobbling was because you have breasts now. This isn’t the only feminine addition to your form. Rather, you’re fully female now. Your hair is thicker and longer, your skin softer, your waist thinner, hips wider, and down there…well, down there is the last bit of confirmation you need to recognize yourself as a woman. Although the fact that you’re a woman now is a bit surprise, like your seal form it doesn’t feel wrong. Still, it isn’t exactly right. Somehow it feels strange to be like this than a seal!


You sigh and pull the sealskin tight around you, covering yourself up as best you can. At least you have more mobility now. You look down the shore and see the beginnings of a rough path that leads into a grove of coconut trees. You consider whether you should follow the path. Who knows who or what it could lead to? Again, though, what choice do you have? Do you really want to return to the sea?

Written by skiesofsilver on 05 March 2016

Both Walk the path

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