Truth and Dare by lulu-illussions
   Dreams by lulu-illussions
      Let by lulu-illussions
         At the base by lulu-illussions
            Through the Fence by lulu-illussions
               Follow Him by lulu-illussions
                  Doesn by lulu-illussions
                     Outside the building by lulu-illussions
                        Into the building by lulu-illussions
                           Into the room by lulu-illussions
                              An empty room by lulu-illussions
                                 Eight minutes before midnight. by lulu-illussions
                                    Smash the mirror by lulu-illussions
                                       Back into the room by lulu-illussions
                                          Midnight by lulu-illussions
                                             Morning by lulu-illussions
                                                Panic by lulu-illussions
                                                   Griffon by lulu-illussions
                                                      To the friends by lulu-illussions
                                                         Relief by lulu-illussions
                                                            Try and talk by lulu-illussions
                                                               Rats?! by lulu-illussions
                                                                  Writing club by lulu-illussions
                                                         Female? by NovelAi
                                             Awake by catprog
   The Dare by Psto1464
      Everything by Psto1464
         Attack and run by Psto1464
            Try getting back to Pam's house? Anyone's house? by Psto1464
            Phone them and meet somewhere? by Psto1464
         Play dead and sneak attack by Psto1464
            Take your new found power and kill him! by Psto1464
            Listen to what he has to say by Psto1464
               Stopped by Psto1464
                  Training by psto1464
                     Show that dragon initiative by psto1464
                        Bring on the knights! by psto1464
                           Tell me / Let's go by psto1464
                              Leave by psto1464
                     Call of the showers by psto1464