Freelancing by Driftingdragon
   Surf the web by Driftingdragon
      stop looking by Driftingdragon
         tinker by Driftingdragon
         no touch by Driftingdragon
            Think about a password by Driftingdragon
               Ditch the place by Driftingdragon
                  Duck and cover by Driftingdragon
                     retreat by Driftingdragon
                        Yeah what am I doing? by Driftingdragon
                  just... stand thereā€¦ by Driftingdragon
               Wait around. by Driftingdragon
            smack the keyboard by Driftingdragon
      Look harder by Driftingdragon
         Go left by Driftingdragon
         Go right by Driftingdragon
            Keep crawling by Driftingdragon
            Wait by Driftingdragon
               Up by Driftingdragon
                  Stand around by Driftingdragon
                  Facility by Driftingdragon
                     Front door by Driftingdragon
                        Attack guard by Driftingdragon
                           Kick by Driftingdragon
                        Talk to the guard. by Driftingdragon
                           Get closer by Driftingdragon
                           double cross him by Driftingdragon
                     Ceiling by Driftingdragon
                        Wait for a moment by Driftingdragon
                        Cut that window by Driftingdragon
                  Jungle by Driftingdragon
               Swing by Driftingdragon
            FULL SPEED AHEAD by Driftingdragon
         Go straight by Driftingdragon
         Leave it alone by Driftingdragon
      Find it! by Driftingdragon
         ETSY by Driftingdragon
            Skinsuits by Driftingdragon
               Synthetic by Driftingdragon
                  Research by Driftingdragon
                  Screw it by Driftingdragon
               Male to female by Ri
   Leave the house by catprog
   BEG FOR MONEY by catprog