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Armak Kilyea star star star star emptystar

"Wait," a voice called from the crowd. Another Radinri stumbled forward. She was gold with blue stripes, wearing silver-colored armor. "Sorry I'm late," she said, out of breath, "my call with the council ran long. I'm interested in--in this one. This Thess. I'd like to offer her a contract."
"Very regal, sister," An-Ha said drily. The new arrival bristled. "But you're too late. I saw Laura here first."
The salesman looked at the two Rysthin for a moment, and then spoke: "Armak Kilyea of the Radinri Homeworld, Governor of Earth, seeking a Quara." He then gestured vaguely to Laura: "Thess Laura of Earth, Slave, seeking standing as a Quara."
"What," An-Ha sputtered, "but I was already in negotiations. She can't just cut ahead of me, I was--"
"Armak Kilyea has rank on you, Rysthin An-Ha." Armaks, Laura's subconscious reminded her, were Radinri politicians. As a sort of bonus, her mind also noted that An-Ha had insulted Kilyea by addressing her as "sister." "However," the salesman went on, "Armak Kilyea did arrive after negotiations had begun. Therefore, the decision comes down to the Thess."
"Alright," An-Ha said, "let's make our offers. I'm giving her an eyestone per moon cycle. You?" she turned to Kilyea.
"Four clawstones per moon cycle," she stammered, "which is standard."
"Of course it is," An-Ha said icily, "and I'm offering more. Therefore, I'm the clear choice."
"But--" Kilyea seemed desperate, "but everyone knows that you--"
"We've made our offers," An-Ha cut her off. "Thess, what's your choice?"
"Wait--" Kilyea yelled, "what's the buyout price?"
"The what?" Laura asked. For the first time in the negotiations, Laura couldn't recall anything about this from her Conversion lesson.
"The buyout price is the--" Kilyea began, but was cut off by An-Ha.
"We've made our offers, Armak," she spat. "Thess, what's your choice?"

Written by Zodiac on 17 May 2009

The end (for now)

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