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The Hunt Goes On star star star star emptystar

The Radinri cruiser flew once again over the city. Dor'Vool and Guer'Re had cleaned up and were back in the cockpit, resting and chatting amicably. The alarm sounded again. This time, there were four humans. They were emerging from an opening that led underground.
"It looks like we're in luck," Dor'Vool said. "We've found their tunnels."
"They must be on the move," Guer'Re said. "I thought the scouts already checked this entrance. Shall we kill them?" He asked eagerly.
"No," Dor'Vool said pensively. "There's not as much cover around here. We'd have to get out into the open to attack them, and they could raise the alarm for any others. I say we wait until these four have moved away, and then head into the tunnel. We can take more out that way."
"Alright," Guer'Re agreed reluctantly. "And anyway, they're moving in broad daylight. The guards will kill these four soon enough." So the hunters waited until the four human scouts had moved safely away, then landed their ship. "Tooth-and-claw again?" Guer'Re asked?
"We don't know how many there are," Dor'Vool warned him.
"True," Guer'Re agreed. "But I don't want to bother with armor."
"Fine," Dor'Vool said. "Just laser rifles and communicators.
"And watches," Guer'Re said eagerly.
"Well of course."


Written by Zodiac on 05 April 2009

The end (for now)

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