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To the Bar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Obviously, you need to retrieve the necklace and become a human again. You can't function normally as a Sphinx. You have to go back to the bar.


But, to do that, you can't be so clumsy with your body. You try to lift yourself, finding that again, planting your feet seems to feel wrong. Gingerly, you try slowly lowering your foot to the ground, feeling for how it lands only to find your toes settling first. Slowly, you press down to find the weight of your frame balanced perfectly on the balls of your toes, giving each step a silent quality even through the brush of the woods. Even over piles of fallen leaves, the crunchiest material on the forest floor, your feet just seem to absorb the noise. The twigs you crack beneath are muted into a mere blip in the otherwise stirred white noise of nighttime.


Starting to pace, you eye the bouncing masses of your breasts, feeling sheepish and unsure about them. You feel their heft against your neck with a bit more normalcy, but the sight of them is still strange. You're used to a drop, looking down is just the floor, but instead you see this faint swelling of the soft flesh there. "What a nuisance."


Your tail thrashes behind you, a visible marker of your uncertainty before suddenly crashing into a bush beside you, creating a sudden explosion of noise in the silence of the night when the twigs and leaves crackle under the sudden impact. After having silenced your steps, this sudden noise is especially loud, even echoing back to you multiple times.


You stiffen. Both eyes pop open wide, only to find that the darkness is merely a soft dimness all around rather than a true black shade of darkness. For a second, it's confusing before you realize that a feline aspect may have affected them to give you better vision. Now you see everything well enough in a hazy, shadowed vision instead of harsh darkness.


"That will help." You concede, begrudgingly realizing that you have to use the Sphinx's body to your advantage in order to reclaim your human form despite wanting that more regular appearance back desperately. Starting to lumber forward again, you begin to find a rhythm in your footsteps as the pads of each toe takes the weight off every step instead of your heel. You begin to let the tail sway slowly, as though it's feeling out the air. You wander upwards to the edge of the wooded area once again, peering out towards the bar.

Written by Picklessauce69 on 25 July 2015

Both Distract the inn keeper

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