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Pregnant? star star star emptystar emptystar

<br/>Yes: Pregnant. That feels right. So very, very right... You long to feel the primal sensation of your cubs growing in your body, and share your mate's life, and make more cubs with him, and— <br/> <br/>You shut your eyes and shake your head. You're not a mated sphinx, damnit! You're an otter! And right now you're an otter who wishes she hadn't put that necklace on. Apart from taking away your hands, it must have also meddled with your fertility and, well, pretty much everything else related to reproduction, it would appear. <br/> <br/>Your tummy grumbles again. Your pretty sure that even pregnant you shouldn't be eating this much. So why are you? Unless the necklace also sped things up... which means your going to give birth sooner rather then later. Judging from how much meat you just consumed in a few minutes, the pregnancy has to have been sped up by at least 24 to 1 -- one day's worth of development compressed into one hour of time. Maybe faster than that, it's hard to say... <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 14 November 2010

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