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<br/>You cast and are rewarded when your body starts flowing. Slower than before, but not bad for a spell from memory. Just as you celebrate you notice your hands turning back into paws. What the hell is going on here!? <br/> <br/>Doesn't matter right this instant; while your hands yet retain any dexterity, you frantically pull some books out of your bags. You even get them out of the shower room before you finish reverting back to a normal, quadrupedal sphinx. <br/> <br/>You carefully flip through Alterations Animalian, being careful with your paws, but nothing there explains your condition. At least you have a big, strong male to protect you... <br/> <br/>Wait. Where did that come from? You shake your head, blinking, to clear your mind. And then your stomach growls again, quite loudly: You need to eat breakfast. A very large one, judging by the intensity of the vacuum in your torso. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 13 November 2010

Female Eating time

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