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Human Hang Gliders star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>You see a mountain up ahead—its peak is very high, certainly much greater than the altitude you're flying at—and things flying around it. When you get close enough you see... humans in hang gliders? How is this possible? Back home, hang gliders didn't—couldn't—exist until just a few decades ago; how could the people of this primitive world have managed to come up with the necessary ideas and technology? Then you chide yourself for overlooking the obvious: You know of hang gliders, and you surely aren't the first person from offworld. <br/> <br/>You circle around above them and are quite surprised by a line of people bringing up stones and putting them in a pit at the top of the launching ramp. And they seem to be filling bags with the stones and going flying with them... Your first guess is that they may be gathering rocks for the gliders to drop on enemies? <br/> <br/> <br/>Suddenly a horn is blown and they all take off in formation. You follow them and see them start to drop rocks on an approaching group of people who scatter. This is still going on an hour or so later, when you decide you've wasted enough time here, and resume your interrupted journey. You are curious to know what's going on, of course, but... well, they're only humans. So it hardly makes any real difference; you quickly leave them behind, and the whole encounter leaves little impression in your memory. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 24 October 2010

Female To the Factory

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