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Wearing your new wetsuit, you decide to go for a swim at the beach nearby. As you approach, the water seems more inviting than ever, and you practically run in.


After awhile of swimming, you being to notice something is different, and your skin begins to tingle. Still out in the ocean, you manage to pull yourself out onto a rock. You try to pull back the sleeve of your wetsuit, only you can't seem to find the edge, it just blends with your skin halfway down your arm.


Panicking, you try to find any edge, but they are all fused. You also begin to notice the wetsuit seems different, and you can feel both rock and sea spray as if it was against your bare skin! You examine (what was) the wetsuit more carefully, and see it has taken the texture of skin, dolphin's skin.


Not too long after, a much larger change beings to take place, as the silvery skin extends down, completely covering you skin. Your legs soon begin to fuse and melt together, despite you trying to pull them apart. Inside you, you can feel the leg bones shrinking into the growing mass, and you spine lengthening. Soon you can see what your legs are becoming, the tail and reach flippers of a dolphin.


You realize you must now be a mer-dolphin, but despite the change you do not fight it, part of your mind seems to accept it; and you jump into the water and start swimming about with your new tail, not even noticing your blow-hole come into existence.


Your new life is just beginning.

Written by Vanghar on 06 November 2006

The end (for now)

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