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Deeper into the forest emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You know for a fact that there is nothing more back the way you came. It had been an open field after all! So that leaves the forest itself. Surely there is something within that can turn you back, or at least give you a clue as to how to get back to your human state.


Your nose twitches, scenting the air as you pause for one last good look around. You feel a little sad to leave the other mouse anthro, but also relieved. It is rather strange how he’d “helped” you after all. You aren’t eaten, so you suppose there is that at least.


You walk down the forest path, winding deeper and deeper. Everything starts to look the same to you; trees, bushes, and flora just blending into one. Oh no! It seems as though you are lost! What will you do?

Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 19 January 2016

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