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sleep and then wake emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You're startled away as Aiden's footpaws make contact with the floor of the rudimentary
treehouse with a dull thud. He ducks down through the door and sits down next to you.
"I raided the storehouse of one of the raiders. Grabbed some meat. It's not much, but it's
something..." He pulls a small, wrapped package from his backpack and hands it to you.
Through the light paper, you can tell it's raw. It has a distinctive smell to it and is almost, but not
quite, soggy. You unwrap it and look at it, with a bewildered face. "It's raw," you say.
"Yeah, well we don't have a stove. Plus, it's food. And you're a tiger, your stomach can handle
raw meat."


Even with his words of encouragement, you're still hesitant, but when your stomach growls
loudly, causing Aiden to smile very carefully at the corner of his mouth, you give in and take a
bite. You chew it lightly and purr quietly as the taste fills your mouth. There's a hint of bitterness
to it, the copper from the blood, but it's enjoyable. You wolf the rest down, letting your instincts
take over before stopping and looking at Aiden with reddened cheeks.
"I am so sorry," you say, " I didn't mean to... I didn't ask you if you wanted any." You look down,
ashamed of your behavior. "Don't worry, I already ate," he smiles, picking a piece of meat from
your cheek and pops it in his mouth.

Written by kergiby on 03 January 2012

The end (for now)

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