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Real Life Appearance emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As she sits down at the table, she notices the man sitting across from her. “Who are you?” she asks.


“Why I am from the group that has been changing you” he says.


“Would either of you like a drink“ the mother says.


“Thank you” he says “Tea for me, milk for her” he says.


“I don’t want milk” she says but all the comes out is a meow.


“While I am here I control your voice.” he says “Now the other department has given up on you, but I think you can still provide us with data”


The mother comes out with the requested drinks, Tea for the man and a saucer of milk that she places on the floor.


“You can’t be serious” she says looking at the saucer “I’m supposed to drink like that?”


“Well you are a cat. And drink it now or more changes will occur then just your muzzle”


She reaches up to find her nose and mouth stretched out into a muzzle before asking “What could be worse than this?”.


“Look at your hands” he says.


She does so and looks down to see them changing into paws.


“Now if you drink the milk the hands will change back but you must do it now or that will be permanent”


Written by catprog on 06 January 2018

Both Drink the milk
Both Refuse the milk

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