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Seperation Anxiety star star star halfstar emptystar

Danielle decides to take the back entrance and led her friends inside. Just as she enters the building, a trap door opens beneath her feet and she tumbles down through the floor.


"Danielle!" someone calls from above. "Are you okay?!"


"I... think so...." she replies as she stands and tries to brush the dust from her pants. Looking around, she sees that she's in a small, dark room with no apparent door. Suddenly the room is flooded with a bright blue fluid! It carries Danielle up toward the ceiling but just before she can reach the edge of the trap door the liquid recedes, leaving her soaked to the bone on the cold stone floor.


"Ugh I feel sick.." she whines.


"Hold on Danielle, we're looking for a rope or something!" one of her friends calls from above. It's far too late though. The silky furred tail lacing its way out of the seat of Danielle's pants are evidence of that. She collapses onto her side as the slender lioness tail continues to form, seeming to be trying to grow away from her. As soon as it reaches the length of a full grown lioness Danielle feels her whole body begin to stretch. Her legs change structure slowly, becoming the forelegs of a lioness, complete with soft golden fur and strong feline paws. Her feline belly tingles with delight as four sensitive feline teats emerge and two hindlegs begin to form just behind them. Her sex is carried away from her forelegs and she shudders softly as she can feel it take it proper place just between her slowly swishing tail. Still stunned, the new liontauress clumsily rises to all fours.


"Holy crap! Danielle!? What happened to you?!" Jake gasps out. "'re a lioness?"


"Stand back..." she says, then gracefully leaps up through the open trap door and lands solidly on all four paws.


"Wow.. you look freakin' awesome!" Jake says. Danielle just blushes.


"We should get out of here..." David suggests eagerly. "Look what happened to Danielle! We're going to be in so much trouble!"


"Not if we can find an antidote," Jake says.


"Right, antidote," Danielle replied, though secretly she found she was already beginning to like her exotic new form, its beautiful but deadly grace and the freedom of walking about on four legs and only having to wear a bra and a shirt to be considered fully clothed.

Written by LorikFurdin on 12 June 2008

The end (for now)

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