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To the shops emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Before he know it, Daniel is being driven to the mall.


"I don't know why you are so worried. " says Pammy " You will feel much better once we are done"


"What do you remember about the last few days?" asks Daniel.


"Well this is a strange question but the five of us were out exploring the old military base. We got lost in a dark tunnel and then once we got out we found you lying on the ground"


"That is pretty much what I remember too. Except I found myself in an operating theater. Then this morning when I left the room it came back."


"But I followed you out immediately" interjects Pammy


"Yeah, either I am loosing my mind or your minds have been changed."


"Is this related to you thinking you were male before?" asks Pammy taking her eyes of the road for a moment.


Daniel nods "Yeah, before the first one I was male. Look out..."


From the side of the road a deer walks across the road.


Pammy slams on the breaks, the deer standing their shocked and growing larger and larger.


Written by catprog on 07 November 2016

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