His Dream Girl
Chadworth Demming is many things, chief among them a loudmouth. He's frequently discussed his ideal girlfriend, and so you have the perfect shape in mind.
She's an Egyptian girl, with Asiatic eyes and sleek black hair that comes just down to her shoulders. Her skin is a rich shade between chocolate and mahogany, and her face has the gentle slopes of a hill's crest.
Of course she has makeup on; and a dress 'befitting an ancient queen'. It's all a little silly, but that makes it a little easier for you to picture.
And by picturing her, you can become her.
The ninja art is a simple one, and you let your form flow like water. Your features melt into the gorgeous ones of an Egyptian, and you can feel yourself gaining new feminine proportions. It takes you a few seconds to get used to having heavy breasts, and your backside is a little heavier than you're used to.
But other than that, it honestly doesn't feel much different from your usual body. A little more slender; but you've gotten used to worse before.
A quick transformation over your clothes makes them a little more befitting of your new body, and you slip out into the moonlight, a grin on your face. "Why, hello there." You call out in a low and sultry tone, watching as Chadworth actually jumps in surprise.
It's a small wonder that he was able to find this dojo, but his physical capabilities are nothing to scoff at. And that's without mentioning that damnable perception of his; a seeming sixth sense that left you unable to sneak around him.
"Um." He finally managed to call back, gulping with nervousness. A dumb smile spread across his face, and he anxiously fidgeted in place. "W-who are you again?"
"Just guess." You call to him with a beckoning smile, disguising your intent with ease.
"Luka?" He guesses, completely missing the mark but suiting your purposes just fine. Luka was a skier that happened to wander onto these grounds. Coincidentally, she also happens to be almost as good at shapeshifting as you are.
"You know it." You smile, winking. "I'm finally back from my last mission, meaning that I think it's time the two of us finally... You know, resolve some things."
"Like the unaddressed romantic tension that dwells just beneath our passionately beating hearts?" He blurts.
You flinch, momentarily caught off-guard. Then you smile and nod, taking his hand in yours.
"Sure, let's go with that. But... I will need us to take this somewhere a little more private."
"Like your room?"
You pause at that, frowning slightly. If memory serves, the real Luka is resting in hers; meaning that if you send him off; your whole cover will be blown. "No... In yours." You reply, rapidly forming an idea. "I think I'd much prefer being wrapped in the soft embrace of your scent."
The words sound sickly sweet coming out of your mouth, but they seem to get the point across just fine. Chadworth blushes madly and turns back to his room, starting to head there at a very brisk pace. Then he pauses and turns, looking at you like a lost puppy.
"Aren't you coming?" He calls out, anxiously whimpering.
You smile and shake your head slightly. "No; not yet. First I have to freshen up; get ready for..." You trail off intentionally, knowing that the unsaid words will be far more effective than speaking them aloud.
Sure enough, the young man scampers off, leaving you free to move on to the next part of your plan. You smile and head on, forgetting to change your form back to normal as you move towards...
Written by SketchySeraph on 05 March 2016