Story So Far      Outline

Run for it! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar


    Unaware of your abilities at this moment, you choose discretion as the better part of valor. You eye the fat one and make a dash for freedom.


    One second passes, and the Weedle shoots a string shot at your blurring blue body, but it bounces uselessly off dirt. The second second passes! Again, it misses! If you can avoid being caught in String Shot for one more moment, you'll escape! The third second passes!




    Nothin' but dirt! You made it!


    You dash underneath the fatty's legs and into the brush beyond. Behind you, you can hear their wails of discontent, and lo it is sweetest music.

Written by Mr.Peaches on 21 October 2006

The end (for now)

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