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The Centaur star star star halfstar emptystar

  You find a box labeled "centaur". Curious, you call back to the shop keeper "Hey, can I try this on?"


  "Sure, there are some changing rooms in the back."




  You walk to the back of the shop and enter one of the changing rooms.


  Opening the box you find what looks like most of the skin of a horse. Laughing to yourself, you slip into the front legs as you would a pair of jeans.


  You find them uncomfortable, and awkward, as if walking on tip-toes. Suddenly, you feel your legs shift; thinning and stretching. Soon, you realise they have formed themselves into the legs of the horse.


  As you tentatively lift one of your new legs, the "waist" of the costume seals off and blends with your skin. You feel a rapid rush off flesh, and the back of the costume fills up with a curious sensation. You feel new bones grow and hind legs form, as you feel the swishing of what is now your tail.


  You marvel at the changes, you try to move about, not used to walking on four legs. Its awkward at first, but you rapidly get used to it.

Written by Vanghar on 18 October 2006

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You make a surprising discovery

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