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The echo returns emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As he leaves the room the echo starts again, "Daniel is now a female. Time to make her more female."


He opens his mouth to complain and only the lion's roar comes out.


"And the voice is gone again."


The light flashes and the surgical room reappears. This time the surgeons grabs him and straps him into the bed. A strap placed in his mouth holding him down.


"And so you can see, a mirror" says the echo.


A mirror is placed on the roof showing his chest.


The shirt cut to remove it.


A cloth wipes over the chest removing all sensation. The scalpel slicing the skin.


A series of implants are placed on the chest, each one getting larger, until a set is selected, and slipped under the skin.


A bra is put on followed by a replacement shirt before with a flash the room disappears leaving the hallway.

Written by catprog on 04 November 2016

Both Back to reality

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