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With disregard to every warning sign, you push your way through the doors and break everyone’s concentration. Through their face masks, they look shocked.
“Holy!!” one person could be heard, muffled through their covering.
“Wait a minute… This can’t be…” Another one added in.
“Get her covered up, fast!”
“Well I can’t touch her” The first voice replied.
“Okay. I got this.” The second voice was distinctively female. “Hey, so… I take it you’re the replacement.” She said. “They mentioned you’d be in by today. What the HELL are you doing dressed like this?!” Once again, the importance of your outfit became clear. “We need to get you suited up, and…” She sighed. “I guess we’re spending our break disinfecting.” The other two groaned and expressed their impatience with you. You guessed, it was time to disinfect.

Written by DriftingDragon on 12 April 2021

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