Fight, and run!
When the man become closer, you use all your strength to wiggling and fail about. Hard shouts urged on your adrenaline racing body. More shouts, made you struggle even harder. Then you were free! Free as a selkie can be! You do the awkward seal roll to move across the deck of the ship. It took two of these worm like dance moves to reach the edge of the deck.
“Whoo!” You cry out with happiness. The hair sweeps your hair back behind you, before you hit the water, the hands out in front of you to stop the harsh hit. In the water you swim deeper, and deeper. While making sure you were going further, and further away. Lesson learned. Human curiosity could be the end of you. Until you were human again, you were avoiding humans altogether.
Written by Psto1464 on 02 May 2023
The end (for now)