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Raid emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You let the beating of his heart lull you to sleep.
It is the best sleep you've had in as long as you can remember.
You're awakened by Aiden shaking you. He's standing and holding a hand out for you.
"What's going on?" you ask.
"The raiders are coming. We don't have much time." He grabs your hand as soon as you hold it out, pulling you up. You stumble, putting weight on your leg. But no pain comes. You look down and see the wound healed up and the fur back.
"Okay... that's cool," you say. Aiden grabs your hand and takes you with you as he leaps from the treehouse to a branch just across the way. He doesn't let go of your hand, holding it tightly, leading you through the waves of branches that jump at you after he shoves them away. You run as fast as you can, keeping up with him. He reaches a branch that has a four foot gap to the next one.
"Go. You can make it," he says, taking your hand and your waist. He lifts you up effortlessly, and throws you to the next branch. You barely grab it, and you see down to the ground, so far below you. A large bear with two small wolves pull out guns and aim them at you.

Written by kergiby on 09 January 2012

The end (for now)

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