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Strange Happenings star star star star star

Midnight. They always came at midnight. The chimes from the old grandfather clock in the den jolted Daniel out of his restless dreams. It wasn't the chimes that woke him so much as the knowledge that They were coming. It was the same horrifying ritual, every single night.


The room was illuminated by an eerie pale green glow. Three figures in haz-mat suits stood around his bed. One of them held a large briefcase, another held a gun, and the third--the apparent leader, from the way he acted--was making entries into a large handheld computer. Daniel tried to escape, to run, to even move, but some unseen force held him in place, as immobile as the bed itself. The leader looked up from his computer and signaled to the one holding the briefcase, who set the case down and began to open it. Daniel strained to see its contents, but couldn't from his position. If only he could move...


The leader reached forward, grabbed the bedcovers and--


The shrill blast of Daniel's alarm clock filled the room. He'd had that dream again, the same one he'd been having every night for nearly a month. Except that it didn't feel like a normal dream. It felt more like a memory, but one that had been partially forgotten. Anyway, Dan had more important things to worry about, so he pushed whatever it was aside for the moment. Today was the last day of school, finally. All he had to do was survive his last few final exams, and he'd be home free. He wasn't about to let a creepy dream get him down.




Dr. DiCaoz glanced over his biology classroom. "Is anybody still working on the final?" he asked tiredly. He paused for a moment, then said, "If everybody is finished, you may talk quietly amongst yourselves for the remainder of the period." As the class erupted in chatter, he went back to nursing his hangover.


Daniel loved his biology class. It wasn't just that he was good at it, or that it was the last class of the day. By some bit of luck or fate, he happened to be in the same class as his four closest friends, Gassan, David, Pammy, and Jake. Gassan, David, and Pammy had become absurdly popular since coming to high school. Gassan was Lebanese and therefore "exotic," David was a star swimmer, and Pammy was a cheerleader. In retrospect, popularity was an inevitability. To the other popular kids, Jake an avid follower of the Furry subculture (he called it a craze, but nobody else did) and Daniel, the introspective writer, were social liabilities. Still, Gassan, David, and Pam never let their newfound "friends" keep them away from Jake and Dan. Privately, Daniel was grateful that he had managed to befriend the four people who appeared to be immune to high school drama.


"So, what'd you guys think?" Pammy whispered.


"I'm pretty sure Dr. Di is a nutcase," Gassan answered quickly. He was met with a chorus of approval from his companions.


"Anyway," Pam continued, "are we having our annual Thank-God-The-Schoolyear's-Over party tonight?"


"I can't go," Jake said, "I've got a convention."


"I can't go either," said David, "My dad's taking me camping. He's on a back-to-nature kick."


"I'm visiting my grandma," Gassan said. Pammy rolled her eyes.


"Alright," she sighed, "when do you guys get back?"




"Sunday evening"


"Sunday, but it'll be late."


"So," Pammy continued, "is Monday night alright with everyone?"




The days passed quickly. By the time Monday arrived, he had gone an entire weekend without his mysterious dreams. He was mostly relieved, but part of him wished the visitors would come back so he could find out what they were up to.


The streets were charged with an eerie calm. A summer storm was coming. As Daniel reached Pam's door, he couldn't help but feel a strange foreboding. Something was decidedly wrong. He rang the bell.


"Come in," called Pammy. Dan opened the door and found friend sitting on the floor in a tidy circle. They were all staring at him, an unsettling hunger in their eyes. "We are playing Truth or Dare," Pammy intoned mechanically. "Please, join us. Truth or Dare?"


"Please choose Dare," Gassan said, in the same unearthly voice.


"The Truth is never any fun," agreed David, still in the same tone. Throughout the exchange, none of the four took their eyes off of Daniel.


"Is everything alright?" he asked. "You all seem...different."


Pammy answered in the same monotone as before: "We are collectively unnerved at a series of recurring dreams we have been having. Perhaps you too are experiencing these visions?"


"Yeah," Dan said, "but I'm not acting that weird about it."


"Perhaps," Pammy said, "All will be made more clear if you answer this simple question: Truth...or Dare?"

Written by Zodiac on 31 May 2008

Truth and Dare emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel looked around his friends. The eerie feeling was hanging in the air and he started getting nervous. His friends were acting strangely and he didn´t know how to react to the sudden change. He slowly walked forward and stood at the edge of the circle made by his sitting friends. All of them blankly stared at him, waiting on his answer.


“Do we have to play it now?” Daniel asked worriedly. “You are all acting weird.”


“Chose, Dan,” Pammy repeated in monotonous voice.


“Truth, or Dare?” they all said in unison and a shiver ran down Daniel´s back.


Whatever was happening, it had to have something to do with his strange dreams and the midnight visitors and all his friends being away during the weekend. But how much can a person change during one weekend? Daniel looked at the unblinking eyes fixed at him. Apparently, a lot.


“Truth,” he said slowly. He didn´t know what was wrong, but he didn´t want to risk a Dare with all his friends acting so unsettling.


“Wrong choice,” David said.


Daniel made a step backwards, suddenly scared by the void in his friends´ eyes.


“Dare?” he said quickly, trying to buy himself some time to think up what to do. The word worked like a spell, all his friends relaxed and some of the tension seemed to disappear from the room.


“Sit down, Daniel,” Pammy told him and she almost sounded like her usual cheerful self. She even smiled at him, but Daniel could see her smile being a tad too wide to be real.

Written by lulu-illussions on 07 October 2016

The Dare emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel's friends had become incredible busy with their new high-school lives. He was excited to have the five of them altogether for their traditional weekend hangout. Daniel was determined to make it a good one. Of course. All this drive was hidden under a mostly calm and dopey face of his. He didn't want to act like a preschooler, now, did he? Pam's dare had stolen all his pep, what made it crueler was her being a cheerleader, wasn't she suppose to inspire the opposite in him. Daniel awkwardly laughed while avoided his friends eyes.


Pam's dare was an easy one, go visit the abandon military base at the end of town. No big deal, normally, but with the shadow of the past few nights recurring nightmare hanging over him. He just couldn't work up the nerve to agree to it right away.


“Well are you chickening out or going?” Pam asked impatiently tapping her perfect red nails on the carpeted floor of her bedroom.


“It's just so far.” Daniel rubbed his head and groaned. It was the sweat drenching nights he woke up screaming. Or the burning terror he felt in his gut, as his mind wandered to the thoughts of that base. “Sounds like chicken talk to me,” David teased Daniel while tossing popcorn into his hair.


“How would I even prove I was there?” Daniel desperately grasped at some excuse, swiping the popcorn out of his hair with both his hands.


“Someone should go with him, prove he's gone inside.” Pam was quick to come up with a plan. “Should you go, and cheer him on?” Jake said raising his eyebrows dramatically for people to catch his bad joke.


“Should we all go?” Gassen suggested with a raise of his hand. “Personally I've always been curious about the place.”


“A night of courage. I like it!” David said getting on board quickly. “Maybe they have some old military uniforms left over? I could use them for one of my fursona's!” Jake jumped up and was already gathering his backpack.


“Why not?” Pam shrugged, getting off the floor. “Let's get our bikes chicken boy!” Pan shot at him as she left the room.


“Ye-yeah!” Daniel struggled out. His thoughts turned in, flashing back to bright lights, pain and the blood soaked horror of awakening and not being himself.


“Daniel. We could stay behind. You and me, we'll watch some movies.” Gassen placed a hand on his shoulder. His eyes filled with concern. Gassen was a good friend, taking a deep breath Daniel shook off his nightmares and Gassen's hand.


“No.” He let out a shaky breath, feeling calmer he continued with a stronger voice. “No, you want to go, and we'll all be together. What can go wrong?”

Written by Psto1464 on 17 March 2019

Everything emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Everything. That is what could go wrong. Daniel was panting heavily in a secluded room even his nightmare's couldn't come up with it. It was cold, dark, and the only sound he could hear was the hard ting of water drops hitting the metal of his room. Shaking, curled up in his own vomit he wondered how he got here? Was his friends doing okay?


“Gassen,” Daniel moaned as his body bent back with more pain. Gassen was with him when they got separated in the dark corridors of the old military base. They thought the other's were trying to scare them, instead it was them, it was him. The people from his dreams. The doctor that experimented Daniel in his night terrors. They were real and they got him. His memories were foggy but, he knew at least Gassen got away. Daniel could still see his retreating back and feel the relief of knowing one of them make it. Gassen had to have made it home, away from the taser's, the guns and the man in the white coat.


When he could scream, he called out for others. No one answered. When Daniel could abide the pain of the shots given to him, he knew a week had gone by. Now he knew nothing, but the hollow truth that no help was coming. When the pain stopped, his mind shut down carrying Daniel gratefully into the darkness of his unconscious.


Daniel woke up, his eyelids pinning open, as a wave of alertness washed over him. His mind was surprisingly clear. There was no pain, fear or despair. His heart was light, he sat up nose curly at the sight of dried blood and vomit on his tattered clothes. Acids, and chemicals smells burned his nose. Sounds of foot steps walking along the metal corridors echoed clearer than ever before. They were coming. What should he do?

Written by Psto1464 on 20 March 2019

Play dead and sneak attack emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel laid there waiting. Patience's, he needed to lay there and access what was going on. He knew from experience what they were coming for. They came to laugh, and they came to drag him of to him. Daniel didn't even rate a hospital or lap table, they would simply grab him by his hair or foot and drag him away. He tried grabbing the door once, to fight back; all that earned him was a four-inch needle stab into the neck. Today was different. Not for them, their off-tune whistle and husky smokers laugh could be heard banging in time; with their thick militant boots off the metal lined halls.


He felt different. He knew he was different, but he dare not open his eyes to look. They were close. Instead, he laid in his own vomit, face slack and body limp on the floor. Taking in the smells of rusty metal and his own dirty sweat. Which, Daniel flared his nose taking in the vague scent of citrus in the air, it seemed like it was coming off of him? The scent was feminine and Daniel didn't think any of the mad doctors nurses would touch him, let alone use a scented hand cream. Pushing that aside, he heard the sound of a metal bar lifting from the outside of his room. They were here.


“Holy shit,” whistled a gruff voice. It sounded like the older man who had taking the initiative to needle Daniel that first night.


“You owe me fifty bucks old man.” sneered his younger partner. Daniel could picture him as clearly as he could smell his brand of cherry flavour cigarettes. Tall, skinny, plain but an attitude that would put even the cockiest of football players to shame.


“Didn't think that crazy bastard would succeed.” Old man cleared his throat and spat on the ground, Daniel felt the spit hit his legs. Heat flushed through him. Daniel's mind was clear enough that he could be angry again, fighting against the huge to stand up and fight a useless battle. “Shit! It moved!” The old man shuffled back, metal clanging under his weight.


“Chill out old-timer. Doc said he would have some involuntary movement until the body gain control of the tail.” Daniel's hair was pulled and his head forced into the air. Tail! He didn't care about the pain, he was just shocked he managed to keep his eyes close. He didn't have a tail, did he? “He, or should I say she; is out cold!” A cold hand squeezed his chest, a growl slipped from his lips, how dare this scum touch his chest! Daniel's mind froze as his thoughts fell into a panic. His chest, he could clearly feel his chest, no; his boob in the hand of that man!


“Don't like it, huh?” Laughed the young man. “To bad those drugs the Doc gave you last time will keep you out cold for the next few days!” He laughed again.


“Stop playing around! Let's just get this done and over with it.” The old man grumbled but Daniel didn't hear him come any closer, he didn't really care; his mind, disgusted, not with the thought of having a chest. It was that he touched by one of them.


“Come one old man, live a little!” His voice echoing has the angry from earlier came to the crawling back to the front. “Even filthy this is every guys fantasy right? A pretty humanoid dragon.” Daniel's head tilted back, raising his body off the floor more. Daniel was torn between getting more information out of the spewing man by playing dead or tearing his throat out with his teeth. “Just touch this pretty pink mane.” Another growl came from Daniel. This stop being a battle of want and a became a battle of choices. Was Daniel a man or beast, would a man even take this?


“It's waking up! Let's just go!” The young guy laughed off his partners fears.


“Who knew that skinny nerd, would turn into such a cute young dragoness?” That did it. Daniel's eyes popped open, his vision perfect despite the dark. He could see every pimple scare on the face of that skinny dark-haired bastard.


“What wanna play too?” The idiot asked in a husky voice. He didn't even know enough to fear him, if he could since the heat of violence spreading through him, but then he would have been too late. He was angry and disgusted with the thing in front of him. Lifting an arm with a speed unknown to Daniel before, he pulled himself up with the help of the man's shirt. Dragging him down in the progress. The young military man pulled him closer to embrace, as Daniel sunk his new fangs mouth into his neck, after the primal instinct that had awaking.


Blood seeped into Daniel's mouth tasting like an old dirty penny and a bit like smoke. He let it drip from his muzzle, ignoring the screams and the pounding as the man tried to break loose. Daniel found his new claws and strength kept him easily pinned. He didn't let go, until he had stopped struggling. Letting the body drop to the floor. “Hands off, you creepy pervert.” He growled at the blood soaked corpse at his feet. Daniel turned to find the old man gone. That was a problem, he probably went for help.


Stopping just a moment to looked down at his own body, if the claws and teeth he had used to kill that man just now, wasn't a clue that what the guy rambled about was true. Looking down at the nasty hospital gown did the trick. Tearing it of with one of his hands, revealed a body covered in tiny heart-shaped scales, all in pale pinks and rich purples. His skinny stick body was gone, Daniel took the moment to trail his black tip claws down his body, confirming to himself, once again how real it was.


He had full breast, ones he briefly thought; would make Pam envious. A long trim waist that lead to round hips and a swinging tail. It was all so strange. He was a she, a she who wasn't even human but for the first time in his life. He felt powerful, and stronger than he ever would be before. Killing a man should have left him a blubbering mess on the floor. He was standing proud, and naked above his corpse. Did a dragon, no, Daniel corrected himself; dragoness need clothes. Shouts and the thunder of pounding feet, released Daniel from his in turned thoughts.


No caring a wit for clothing, his skin was all scales anyway, and he could name a certain character who made it work; so why not him? Prowling forward Daniel went into the hall. Finding it has he had thought, filled with men pointing guns with tiny red lasers at him. He stopped cold, heat blowing though his nose, steam coming out and swirling around him. Daniel hadn't excepted this. In the front was him.

Written by Psto1464 on 28 March 2019

Listen to what he has to say emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Hello Daniel.” His voice sent chills down Daniels spine. Confidence turned to weariness, as he eyes the gunmen staring at him pass their round metal hats and padded with their armoured black jumpsuits.


“I want to go home.” Daniel said quietly. He had wanted to state it with an arrogance, like a real dragon would do. His true self emerged, and he politely stated quietly like meek high-school student he was inside.


“I can arrange that.” His voice said slowly, bringing on another wave of chills. Daniel hugged his arms under his chest, maybe he should have kept the beat up gown on.


“Really?” Daniel glared at the doctor, his tail spikes clanging in a soothing rhythm against the floor. The noise helped Daniel keep his cool, human logic. No way would it be so easy to get home.


“There will, of course, be some requirements.” He tilted his head, closing his blue eyes with a smile. The girls at his school, surly would have pasted out from the handsome young doctor vibe rolling of the creep in waves. Daniel wasn't fool for a second, inside him beat the heart of a young make! All it did was cause him to shiver more violently.


“Hiss!” Daniel raised his lips over his teeth and let loose the angry sound. He quickly slammed a hand over his own mouth. Muzzle, in shock. A quick burst of air and a sharp pop flew by Daniel's face hitting the floor in front of him. Daniel quickly turned behind him and saw a smaller man, maybe close to his age; shaking holder the gun. Unlike the other he was without armour.


Daniel's mind clouded over seeing the blonde shake and stare at him with wide eyes. Inside his mind was a new urge, a strong instinct? He didn't know what to call it, but to Daniel it was a voice. The same voice that told him he was powerful, strong; the voice that let him kill that solider earlier. This time it told him. That this man was weak. He was weak and attacked us. A growl came out low and rumbling. To Daniel's ears it sounded like the purr of a cat, Daniel knew it wasn't a happy sound. It was a threat, to back off or die.


“It-it-its a monster!” The man no boy yelled, with shaking arms he raised his pistol.


“Matthew.” He said from behind him. Daniel snorted, the boy; Matthew; was too far gone to listen. Quickly moving his arms, claws raised, he was ready to defend and attack. A different logic ruled over Daniel now. When the trigger was pulled with sweaty hands, it made the aim go off somewhere behind Daniel. It was an easy dodge, the room was quiet to him now. Hos moves were lightening quick. Within seconds his claws poised at the weak boys neck, ready to plunge and rid him of the threat.

Written by Psto1464 on 13 April 2019

Stopped emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel's claws were stopped and his feet lifted from the floor from behind. His hand disappeared into a much large one, it wasn't human. It was deep, read diamond-shaped scales. The claws were the size of one of Daniel's fingers. It curved his arm in as Daniel struggled against it. Soon, his arm was tuck under his breast where the other large arm had already picked him up and pinned him.


Not willing to give up yet, Daniel brought his tail around the guy's ankle, sending them both to the floor. The arms still wouldn't let him go. Daniel turned his head mouth open to snap at him and saw a dragon. Shocked Daniel stopped his struggle. The red dragon quickly took advantage and used his own thicker and longer tail to trap Daniel's tail and legs in a coil like a snake. One arm pined under his chest kept Daniel's arm pinned to his sides.


“Good thing you're so tiny,” The red dragon spoke his voice rolling with a thick Australian drawl.


“You should have been here first Matthew.” He snapped. The dragon was Matthew, not the boy?! Daniel was to stunned to voice anything. Unlike his own narrow frame, the one he pressed up against was larger, broader and his rough edges were differently male, and more of a western style dragon, but more importantly male!


“Why are you a guy!” Daniel blurted out while squirming about. He was uncomfortable being this close to him, and the musky scent of his was just plan weird. Daniel sneezed as the dragon coiled around him tighter, stopping even the smallest of movements.


“Happy accident.” He, the doctor shrugged.


“You were once male, I think you should know what will happen if you don't stop your squirming.” Daniel immediately stopped, as Matthew whispered those words in a low vibrating sound at the base of his throat. Now that it was brought to his attention, Daniel noted that under his ass was an another enlarge part of Matthew, that his male part was jealous of and the now female part- Daniel cut of his own thoughts with a turn of his head, facing away from Matthew and look at the Doctor and the suddenly empty hallway. “Good girl,” Matthew leaned back into the hallway wall.


“Simply put I called you here. The dreams were to scare and incite you here.” The Doctor explained.


“Bu-” Daniel voice stopped with a soft 'sh' in his left ear where for whatever reason Matthew leaned his scaled head on, lucky for him; he didn't have horn like Daniel.
“You felt the call. With it the operation was a guaranteed success. I acknowledge it was a painful one.” Daniel glared him down, not wanting Matthew to talk in his ear again. “Now you have a choice. Die-” A large claw lightly made its way around Daniel's neck, causing him to gulp. “Or stay and train with Matthew.”


“Pleasure.” Matthew blew smoke out his nose, causing Daniel to cough; and Matthew to burst into a hissing laugh into the side of his neck.


“We'll even make arrangements to talk to your family and friends.” He shrugged, “Deal?” Like he had a choice, Daniel sighed; going limp in Matthew's arms suddenly tired. It was all too much, and he was done.


“Fine.” Daniel yawned, shaking his head to stay awake and only succeed in hitting Matthew in the nose.


“You'll run on instincts for a while. Sleep. Eat. Kill.” Matthews voice faded out has Daniel's eyes closed, listening to the calming drawl. “ When you wake we'll contact your family and start training. Prepare for hell.” Hell, Daniel thought as his mind simply shut down; didn't he just leave that room? What could be worse?

Written by Psto1464 on 16 April 2019

Training emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

There are many types of hell. They came in many forms. Daniel thought homework and tests were hell once, and they were to the student he once was. Daniel wiped his, no, her; forehead. Running like a man women made it hard to focus on her pronouns. “Dragons don't sweat! Stop wasting your time and shake tail Messer!” The demon called Matthew voice echo in her head with its bellows. Daniel gritted her teeth. Fangs clicking into fangs, she ran around the training grounds again. She wanted to demand for him to call her first name, Daniel; but it was a waste of air and air was precious.
“Losers don't have first names! Be they he, she or dragon.” Matthew shouted. It was all he ever did. Yell, holler, boom; didn't he have a normal tone? Daniel wished for the cold dark enclosure of that nightmare room. Well, not really but if anyone could drive her to it; it would be Matthew.
“Done.” Daniel fell to the ground. Turning her head for her snout wouldn't bang the ground like it had the first dozen times. Her pale pink nose scales had the scuffs to prove it. “Shaved off five seconds. Congrats, you're not even at a human level now.”
“Yea.” Daniel puffed. Looking up at Matthew, his red scales glittered with health and care. His tired body didn't quiver an inch from running alongside her the entire time. That's right he could yell, and run at the same time. Daniel narrowed her eyes at him. Damn bastard, and his ability to breath.
“Yea, Messer? You're a dragon, have you no shame?” Matthew's lip curled revealing his sharper more deadly fangs. “A Olympian could beat you. A human Olympian.” Matthew sneered. “It's a disgrace.” What was the true disgrace was her attraction to Matthew. Despite his obvious personality issues. His bare chest stippled with small red scales. Sparkling like their diamond-shape, draped over a well-formed six-pack. One she longed to have as a human male, and one she wanted as a dragon female. What made her uncomfortable was the reasons behind the two were different as night and day. She couldn't tell him that for clear reasons.
“Sorry?” Daniel said trying to keep the crazed dragon happy. She might be one too, but outside the adrenaline rush she couldn't bring out her abilities very well. Pushing herself up she sat on the ground. Unsure if she should attempt getting up, and if she succeeded, would it mean more training.
“Sorry, I'll give you a sorry.” Matthew placed a hand on his hip. Hand out, claws pointed at her; falling into full lecture mode. Daniel hated lectures, she remembered school being a level one hell because of them. With Matthew a part of her like them, he was kind-of hot narrowing his eyes and baring his fangs. Daniel groaned, when did she get so bent? Was it part of the transformation or was there always this part of her inside? “Groaning is not allowed in the training room!” Matthew said pointing away, “I ought-”
“Sir, the Doctor needs you right away.” A short brown haired man in military garb cut Matthew off. Matthew turned his head in an iconic horror movie fashion. Daniel wonder if she should be laughed or pray for the poor guy, who dare disturb a lecture. He was her saviour either way, and those blue eyes of his, seemed to dart her way? The idea of someone else running the extra twenty laps... gave Daniel a sinister satisfaction, no matter how cute he was.
“Fine.” Matthew snapped. Before turning those angry eyes at her, causing her to shiver. “Hit the showers.”
Sweet freedom was in grasp! Daniel shot up with surprising ease, ready to shoot off to the beautiful hot showers. Since she had turned dragon. Daniel found it hard to stay warm, Daniel did remember Pam suffering from chills. Maybe it was a girl thing? Either way, she was out of here. Looking at Matthew, who in turned stared at her. She wondered if she missed something in translation?

Written by psto1464 on 04 December 2019

Show that dragon initiative emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Should I come too?” Daniel asked. Matthew was staring at her, really staring at her. A heat built up inside her at the intensity. It wasn't anger his eyes weren't dark enough, whatever it was that he saw; made him smile. A smile that burned her down to her toes, and had he build human; surly would have curled the toes of the straightest man. God, Daniel wanted to raise her hand to fan herself.
She didn't, first rule in survival; don't move. That's what they want. “You do have some dragons blood in those veins of yours.” Matthew said, nodded with approval. “Well, I wouldn't have a tail otherwise.” Daniel hitched a thumb behind her to her long violet scaled tail laying limp behind her. Much like a cat; it's acting more on emotions than control. “That's your flesh.” Matthew closed the gap between them, forcing her head up to keep eye contact. “I want what's in here.” Matthew placed a hand on her chest. She was wearing a black sports bra. It kept things tucked in, and covered.
What it didn't do was stop the heat from his palm getting through to her chest. Daniel tried to calm down. Not wanting Matthew to feel her pulse, along with her heart race. She couldn't stop it though. All she could do was be grateful that her new pink and purple scales. They covered the faint raising of heat in her muzzled face.
“Show that dragon initiative Messer. Then I'll call you by your first name sometime within the nest decade.” Matthew's hand dragon, and he turned on his heel. “Let's go.”
“Yes sir.” Daniel followed at his heals. The blue-eyed messenger struggled to kept up himself. They share a disgruntled glance, but kept focus to keep up. That man, no; that dragon. Did he mess with her like this on purpose? Judging by the man beside her, he did it to everyone. Daniel feared she would hear him call her by her first name before she ever figured it out. Matthew was crazy, and he would be even if he wasn't a dragon. Leaving blue-eyes outside the room.
They entered to see He, the Doctor; whose name was actually Warner; and was the only one Matthew seemed to respect. Though she still thought of him as He, the devil, or more often it was Doctor ass-hat. Daniel liked living, she only called him Doctor out-loud. Wouldn't look good for you to call your boss, and main source of living outside a freak-show; ass-hat to his face. Training may be hell, but she had good food. Better than anything from home. Prime cut meats, organic vegetables. Seafood's so strange that Daniel wasn't sure if they even came from this planet.
If he could turn me her from a normal high-school male to a female dragon prepping for battle. Whose to say he couldn't get things from space? Standing in front of a large round table, his black eyes shined in the barely lit room. Daniel's souls shivered, that guy could be from space. His eyes were out of this world, and not in an attractive way, but a creepy, sadistic evil devil way.
“I'm not an alien Daniel.” Warner said with a calm, soft voice. Daniel's skin crawled. Mind reader! “Nor can I read mind.”
“You're an easy read Messer.” Matthew blew smoke through his nose, showy bastard. Daniel glared down his muzzle, she wasn't brave enough to glare into his eyes. Survival instant, or cowardice, she preferred thinking it was the first one.
“Let's cut this to the bone. Fire-burn went up in smoke. I need you to go in and retrieve want you can.” Warner spoke directly to Matthew. Daniel took the time to look around the room some more; she wasn't gawking. It looks like one of those secret military rooms, why were these things dimly lit all the time? If the secret room is secret, couldn't they afford to brighten things up?
“Are the knights involved?” Matthew asked. Daniel tuned back into their talk, knights? Did they mean dragon fighting knights? She pulled memories of kids shows where silver armoured men ran on horseback. Battling dragons and saving damsels in distress. She always wanted to be one, but she would be the damsel now, wouldn't she? Daniel didn't like that idea so much, she could be a lady knight instead. They had those, right?
“Unfortunately.” Warner said, his voice tight with annoyance. “Knights kill dragon's Daniel. Don't give in to those flights of fancy.”
“It'll get you killed.” Matthew said pouring cold water on her fun.
“I didn't say anything!” Daniel hastily defended herself. She didn't! Not out loud anyway...
“You're a book Daniel,” Warner said, sighing. Shoulders rolling in the first sign of weakness the devil doctor ever show. He seemed tired. Daniel blinked. Maybe he was human? “Do you think she can handle it Matthew?”
“First-hand experience might level her up.” Matthew grinned, the same grin from training. Daniel contained her groan, she was dead. So dead. “Kick out the boy, and make her a dragoness.”
“What do you say Daniel?” Warner gave her an option, a legit option? She doubted it.
“Do I want to go?” Daniel asked, waiting for the trick, the trap.
“Don't answer with a question! Answer with determination. Where's your initiative Messer!” Matthew bellowed out in true trainer fashion.

Written by psto1464 on 06 December 2019

Bring on the knights! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Bring on the knights,” Daniel said raising a hand it what she hoped looked like team spirit.
“That cheerleader friend of yours would do better.” Matthew said. “Let's go!” Turning on his heel and left the room in a small run, or what he frequently called it; a walk. When she called him out on it, it made his “walk” faster. Rolling her eyes, she followed after Matthew. Knowing better to expect details out of his iron trap of a mouth.
“We'll be taking the portal out, straight to Fire-burn headquarters.” Matthews told her without turning his head. He was to busy making her puff behind him. She had no clue what a portal was, but she would find out soon. She didn't waste her breath on asking. If you could still talk, you could run faster, harder. Daniel only had to pass out once to figure it out, well twice.
“Uh-huh,” Daniel learned how to puff with words. Uh-huh, was a quick inhale and exhale. Perfect while on the run, and with a guy who didn't want your opinion anyway.
“I've been working on your stamina. It sucks, but this shouldn't be a long course. Think of it as a sprint.” Daniel nodded at Matthews back, keeping a safe distance from his swinging tail. He was enjoying this too much; the rat.
“We go in like the doctor said and retrieve what we can.” Matthew stopped in from an unfamiliar red door. Not that she had a chance to look around, with her escape attempt a few months back. She still couldn't shake the shady looks; let alone get the trust to get access to anything called a portal. Portal, had to be a car port or even a helicopter hold. Some means of travel, and Daniel was a flight risk. She knew she wouldn't even be here now, if it wasn't for Matthew being with her.
“Questions.” Matthew gave his classic over the shoulder stare. Gah, the man didn't want any but... Daniel's mouth was bigger than an iron trap.
“Knights are bad guys? Are we getting people or papers?” Matthews eyes narrowed to slits. Avoided his eyes and looking at the very interesting stained beige walls. Daniel continued. “Isn't a pair of dragons obvious? I mean I don't want to end up in the evening news.” Matthew let out a low hiss. “Or a metal slab in area fifty-one.” Daniel let it all out in one breath.
“The knights are bad guys.” Matthew answered. Daniel eyes snapped back to him in shock. He answered a question! She wanted to ask him if he was okay, but dare not interrupt the flow. “Monster, or demon hunters going back to the beginning of times.” Daniel exhaled, that sounded big, massive. “We will save both the people and papers.” Matthew grabbed Daniel's shoulder. “We are already in the evening news.”
“We're what!” Daniel squeaked. She had spoken to her family, Doctor Ass-hat kept his word; but she didn't want it to go on television or worse go vial!
“We the dragons.” Matthew blew smoke out his nose. The charcoal scent wisp around her in a cloud. “We will no longer live in fear. We will no longer hide in humanities shadows. We will walk alongside it.”
“By forcing others to be what you are?” Daniel curled her lip at him. She may have accepted her fate. There was no going back, she was good at moving on; going with whatever. It didn't mean that there weren't some days. Nights; moments where she wished she was back to that shy little teenage boy.
“I doubt that will help people choose you over knights.” Knights would be defenders. Many people would agree that Matthews, and now her were nothing but monsters. Even Daniel had to agree with that. It's not like she was born this way.
“There's so much you don't know.” Matthew ran a hand over his muzzle sighing.
“You guys don't tell me shit!” Daniel snapped. The warmth of settled anger from a few month ago resurfaced. “You would have killed me, if I hadn't agreed to work here. Lord knows what you would have done to my family, friends.” Daniel bellowed the raw truth from her gut. Freeing herself from its acids.

Written by psto1464 on 11 December 2019

Tell me / Let's go emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Tell me,” Daniel asked Matthew.
“Look unless there is some other dragon in this compound.” Daniel looked around for emphasis. There was no one else there. “I'm all you got, and all you got thinks the knight have a point.” Daniel laid her all her cards on the table, as her dad liked to say. Now it was up to Matthew. He check her over, not her body but her face. Daniel tensed with his eyes scrolling over her face. If whatever he was looking for wasn't there. Daniel knew he would never tell her a thing now or ever.
“A quick history lesson. Then we must go.” Matthew said. It was slow and his eyes narrow. He was still judging her. Not wanting to spoil this rare moment. Daniel nodded and used her hands to motion him to talk. “Dragons and humans lived peaceful together, once upon a time.” Matthew used his claw to mocking quote the last bit. Daniel nodded.
“Then humans started enslave us. We age slower and were more resilient; making great toys and pets.” Daniel winced, humans did that to themselves, she could easily see them doing it to another race.
“Dragons numbers were small, their eggs needed time to hatch.” Matthew's eyes grew distant, the air around him felt cold; Daniel clutched her hand to her chest. Feeling Matthew's sadness. “Three times as long as humans. Many were lost in wars.” Matthew eyes wrinkled, the pain was close to home. Daniel wondered if it was a sibling, or even his own? She didn't dare ask.
“To hide the dragon went to human sympathizers.” Matthew open his eyes. The weight of them turned her breath ragged. “Some fell in love, and mix breeds. In time the blood lined thin, becoming more human than dragon.” Matthew sighed. Cloaking her in released emotions. Sadness and anger drifted over her in a downpour of rain, and ash. “Doctor Warner discovered how to call out to those who had enough blood to go back to their true forms.”
“Without an option?” Daniel certainly didn't get one.
“You had no option. In a few years in would have changed over one way or another.” Matthew said but without his usual under tone of implying her to be an idiot.
“My parents were human!” Daniel shouted. Trying to deny this unreal feeling, but feeling somewhere in her heart; that it clicked, it made sense.
“Two weak strains meeting made you.” Matthew looked down at her. “As for why you turned female, that's a dragon trait.” Matthew beat her next question, but he didn't make sense.
“Dragon trait?” Daniel said, tilting her head. Trying to get it to make out some logic to it.
“Dragon can be born one sex, but when the mature transform to the sex that suits their souls.” Matthew smiled, “I was always male by the way.”
“Like I didn't notice!” Daniel bite her tongue, what did she say! Reveal!
“I've noticed you too Messer.” Matthew chuckles low and husky. Causing a ripple of confusion over the information and desire. She decided to destroy that last thought. “What we need to do is go and get what we can. If the knights found information on others like you, they won't kill them.”
“That's good, we can rescue them?” Daniel went straight to the good idea. Saving lives before their lost, or coming in to save the day. What a true knight was about. Not that evil crap Matthew mentioned.
“Before they become pets? Slaves?” Matthew shook his head. “You almost didn't make the turn without caving into blood hunger.” Daniel remembered what that was, it took him weeks to recover from it. The nightmares alone...
“When I woke up in the underground?” Daniel confirmed. Waking up she remembered nothing but fear, and wanting to get home, come hell or bodies.
“Yes. It's an uneasy time.” Matthew shook his head. “Those like you get put in an arena to fight as war pets; forever loosing themselves.”
“Others?” Daniel whispered. Matthew's words were sinking in and hitting home. In hindsight, she was lucky; wasn't she?
“The nurturing kind; the ones whose nature goes towards caring instead of fighting. Become slaves to cater to the whims of the highest bidder.” Matthew's body shook. “I will fight for others. Now that we come into the light of the media. Things may go out way. A future for our nestlings, that's what I fight for.” Matthew's voice growled, and Daniel rumbled with him.
“You know otaku's would love us!” Daniel thought of her friend, the cosplayer; would droll at the chance to touch her scales. “I bet if I asked he could gather his friends and help spread some love.” Daniel started thinking of other things she could do. Pam was popular with the guys she could spread some love. The others surly wouldn't slack off.
“So you will fight then?” Mathew asked, the growl faded from his voice but it was still raw from the emotions he shared. One that Daniel very much believed in.
“Of course!” Daniel raised her fist striking a fighting pose. “All I wanted was to know why should I?” Daniel shrugged not hiding her lack of heroism. Without a cause, why bother? “Why risk my hide for a bastard dragon and a mad doctor?” Why, the unanswered question haunted her until now. With it cleared up, she had no problems helping out. “Turns out you're not so mad.”
“Just a bastard.” Matthew drawled rolling his shoulder to relax. “Well if the shoe fits...” Daniel smiled and let her words fade out.
“Let's go.” Matthew pushed open the door. Pushing her in front.
“Alright then!” Daniel felt pumped, her life as a dragon had officially started!

Written by psto1464 on 16 December 2019

Both Leave

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