Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Alterntive Scenarios from Other Stories
This is for characters from the other stories in other scenarios.
Written by catprog on 21 February 2016
Costumeverse People
People in the costumeverse
Written by Catprog on 14 October 2017
Jake the Lizard
“…well…here it is.” Jake Wright stared at a box that had arrived a few hours ago, the young man seated in his desk chair, facing his bed. He had ordered this costume from a shady site a few days ago, testing the waters by ordering a few various things that didn’t seem all that bad such as…well honestly sex toys. When those came safe and sound, with no additional stings, he went for this next product.
Realistic Lizardman costume! Guaranteed to make you feel like a cold-blooded monster on holidays and even at conventions!
That was the tagline both online and on the box. Did he believe it? Somewhat; thankfully it wasn’t that expensive…if anything, the sex toys almost costed less than it. None the less, he sighed, moving over to the cardboard box and prying it open, removing the tape and the other things before the suit was exposed.
The sudden smell Jake was exposed to was…different; it smelt earthly, like a rich jungle after a rain shower. It was pretty nice, in all seriousness…though, Jake did feel some hesitation as he pulled out all the suit’s components and pieces.
As to be expected, there was a lot of padding. There was also some assembly required beforehand; having to slide the padding in to various spots and even tighten a few things on it, Jake gradually donned the suit and tightened things as he did, having had to strip down to only a pair of shorts and a muscle shirt to get inside, the man not being a stranger to proper cosplay etiquette. No one wanted to die of heatstroke in their suit, after all, and considering that almost happened to him once, he wanted to do all he could to prevent such a thing from transpiring.
Finally, the head came on, and once it was zipped up and locked in place, the young man turning to look into the mirror to see what he looked like now.
Admittedly, he did look realistic. The costume had emerald colored scales and frills along the head, forearms, and tail, all of a lighter yellow color. The arms were long, swinging near his knees with his stance, and the legs digitigrade, his feet being hooked into some plastic prosthetics to give his legs that reptilian look, the lower body encased in a pair of black shorts since he didn’t want to accidentally outline his crotch area if he moved too much. His fingers were all tipped with obsidian black claws, curled a bit to make them look even more like reptilian claws; dangerous…though the claws were all just made from hardened plastic, and there were grey bandings coming pre-wrapped around the forearms and hands. He was hunched a bit due to the suit’s padding, and it was insulated enough to provide protection from the heat and at the same time, absorbent enough to soak up any sweat he had, though he did struggle to look through the eye lenses where the eyes were on the head. The head was triangular, more like a monitor lizard’s head as opposed to anything else, and the maw, due to a mouth-guard he wore, opened and closed each time he opened and closed his own mouth; to further add to the dramatic realism. He even found a cool fake sword, two handed, even.
“Really badass.” Jake mused to himself, posing a bit in the mirror, really feeling the snugness of the suit. He wasn’t sure about the size originally but here, it all worked now. “Need to keep testing it though…” He had to make sure it allowed him to move properly and handle various things; no point in calling it good if it meant he couldn’t even get ten feet before collapsing. Testing it, Jake started to walk, getting across his apartment before coming to a stop, smirking underneath the mask. It was all working so damn well! Jake made a note to make additional changes and innovations to the suit, such as perhaps internal air flow with some fans and even a few other changes to the suit to better himself.
Already, Jake was trying to think on where else he could use the suit, aside from conventions…could even sneak into work with it and scare his boss for shits and giggles…then again…he had the idea doing such a thing could backfire heavily.
He didn’t want to get fired by running around and scaring someone while looking like a giant lizard.
Still, Jake moved back to his room and towards his desk, already thinking on the things he would need to make the suit better than it already was so he could stay in it for as long as possible. Who knows, he could convert it into another costume with some additional cosmetics; there were a few games and books that featured Lizardmen in it.
Now he had a genuine costume that was sure to get him all the best attention! Perhaps it was the best fate of all the costume was for so cheap; meant he had money to cover other expenses while at the same time perfecting the costume.
“The hell?” Jake noticed something. The main zipper near the neck of the suit just…wasn’t there anymore. He felt around for it, in a bit of a panic, trying to figure out why, out of nowhere, the suit refused to come off. It was unnerving! In his panicked state, Jake didn’t notice the false tail hit something, his attention being drawn from the glass shattering and of course, he tried to get the gloves off so he could grab the broom and clean it up.
Like with the neck, he couldn’t remove the gloves for some sudden reason. They felt adhered to his skin now, like no matter how hard he tugged at them, they just wouldn’t come off. Panic escalated to full blown terror from this revelation, as he started to struggle and panic now with his efforts to get the suit off. Muffled curses and swears came from Jake as he struggled, eventually falling onto his side as he intensified his efforts to get out of the suit; it just didn’t make any sense to him! Jake’s efforts were, unfortunately, rewarded with him banging his back against the wall, and for his vision to blur sharply before he fell to the ground. Something from the shelf had fallen on his head…and even through the suit, it was enough to drop Jake to the ground, struggling to maintain consciousness from the massive rap to the head. He wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to even survive while out cold with the suit on, yet despite his best efforts, he started to drift.
Drifting into nothing but darkness, an ever encompassing blackness that was always the sign that one was to black out.
Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 02 November 2017
A dull, throbbing sensation greeted Jake when he regained consciousness, as well as a chorus of other feelings that came onto play as he gradually started to awaken. He realized he was on grass…did…he get dragged out of his apartment at some point? Where was he now? He lifted himself from the ground, eyes closed for a faint moment, before he rose to his feet.
“Aughghhhhhh…” Weird…he tried to speak but words didn’t come out. The only sound that resonated was just a deep, bellowing noise…one that clearly wasn’t his own. As he was on his feet, Jake noticed further that his stance was much higher than it should be. He choked it up to the costume still being on but…why was his vision so clear? When he wore the costume earlier, he couldn’t see out of it insanely well due to the head of it. Somehow…now, it worked. He started to move, gradually becoming more aware of his surroundings to tell that he was in a forest of some sort; woods. That made him even more perplexed; his apartment’s closest venture to nature was a damn park that was typically filled to the brim with single mothers with their kids and sometimes meth abusers. How did he suddenly get into the woods? It didn’t make any logical sense. As he walked, he felt heavier now, weighed down, if anything. It was surreal.
He noticed something ahead; a town. Strangely, the buildings were…old. Not like they looked ill taken care of but they literally looked old timey; made of wood and stone instead of brick and metal, and the people had dress of the same fashion. Did someone take him to one of those Medieval fairs? Why go through all the effort to do so, especially when he was in costume?
Speaking of in costume, one of them could no doubt be of some aid to help him get the costume off and allow him freedom…then he could focus on getting home and finding out who put him here in the first place, as well as if his apartment was okay. His feet started to pass from the soft soil to the hard road, and he felt…weird; the plastic must be damaged, since he could feel the textures of the cobblestone he walked over. Still, Jake refocused, and noticed that he towered over everyone by at least a head or so, even more in a few cases! The people here were very small.
Tapping someone’s shoulder, Jake wasn’t greeted with mild annoyance like he expected from going up to someone random…in fact, the person he tapped screamed bloody murder and fought to get away from him.
“L-Lizardman! There’s another one of those beasts here! Get the Town Guard!” Town Guard? Another one? Lizardman? None of this made any remote sense? He tried to explain it to the man, hands shaking distressed, but all that emerged from his maw was another gaunt, bellowing sound. Why couldn’t he talk?! His hands went up to tug at the suit head in a panic as he watched the man take off like a bat out of hell, and pain flashed in his mind for a moment when he tugged onto his head.
Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 08 November 2017
Look overself
A chill ran up Jake’s spine when he felt his head. The skin felt…cold, scaled now, and worse yet, alive. He looked over himself in a panic, fear coursing through him as he watched his originally fake, three toed feet, move slowly; each toe moving on its own, and the claws on his head felt real; like firm metal spikes as opposed to the normal plastic of the glove. He even turned his head to see his tail; now animate and swishing back and forth as opposed to the inanimate status it was earlier. This had to be a dream; a fucking nightmare fueled from his peril of the suit running into an error when he first tried to remove it. But, try as he might, the sensations he felt were very real; his visage in a storefront reflection also being the key to denote his descent into the unwilling insanity.
His shoulders were broad now, chest rising and falling with every breath as muscles rippled underneath his now scaled hide. His pecs lacked a nipple, but he was aware that he had abs. The most harrowing part was his head. He opened his maw, and instead of seeing the faint hint of the man inside, he saw only pinkness, and a long, floppy red tongue swishing about in his maw, filled with curved, serrated teeth. His serpentine, ivory eyes were filled with terror as he saw this. He didn’t hit his head and fall asleep; by some sort of cruel twist of fate and irony, he had somehow become the very thing he was suited as in his apartment; a Lizardman!
“There! The beast is there! Battlemages, at the ready!” He turned sharply to stare at the small group of people, clad in metal armor and appearing Knightly, but it was clear they had a bone to pick with him. He tried in desperation to explain once more, but all that emerged was a gaunt, roaring sound, one that really did not help his situation.
Sudden pain filled him as he felt something strike him, Jake staggering back and falling onto a table, crushing it with his weight. He felt intense burning in his chest, burning that gradually faded, Jake rubbing at his chest while rising.
“So, Fire blasts don’t seem to burn that scaled hide as much as it should.” A robed man rose from behind the crowd, holding a staff that Jake could only assume was made from bone of some sort. “No matter; my magics should easily subdue this beast before it can harm another innocent.” They were calling him a monster? A beast? It made no sense to Jake, but what he was made painfully aware of was the fact that he needed to run…to get somewhere where these strange people couldn’t chase him.
Or I could kill them…and devour their flesh…
Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 11 November 2017
Get away
That thought…it wasn’t his. He didn’t know why his mind tried to pitch that idea, but it didn’t matter. He turned, clumsily running away from them as he could pick up the sounds of their metal and leather boots falling to the ground in a combined chorus. He could hear screams and various other noises, but he didn’t care; he had to get somewhere these strange men wouldn’t pursue him any longer.
Jake tripped, and fell to all fours, but despite that…he kept moving; almost as if his body knew to transition from two legs to four legs. It was baffling, and almost stupid, but as he put massive distance between himself and the men, Jake came to the conclusion that, while stupid, it worked…therefore, it wasn’t stupid. More distance was placed, and Jake felt the ground change back to the soft earth he had awoken upon; moving back into the woods and venturing even deeper into it and hearing the sounds of the men gradually fade…they couldn’t find him, and now, Jake was alone; the newly changed person knelt down by a stream, catching his breath and calming his heart down.
None of this made any sense. None of this made any form of sense; he was turned into a fucking Lizardman and now, somehow, he wasn’t just out of his house, but he was in some sort of fantasy world! No wonder their clothing looked so dated and things seemed so out of tune; the second he put the suit on, some cosmos force felt it was fitting to place Jake into a world where the suit was best.
Speaking of which…it was him now. He had become the suit. He didn’t know if there was even a way home from this, and even if he did get back to his own time, there was no telling if he would be as himself, human, or like…this. Jake seemed damn near close to giving up hope, but he tapped his head, letting out a sharp snarl to silence his fears and worries.
He will get home, and he will fix this; that much, Jake knew for certain! Still, priorities; he had to think on one of the more pressing matters.
What abilities he had. If he was a Lizardman now, then what quirks came with this new body? What tricks did he have up his sleeve? He tried to recall all forms of media and gaming that involved Lizardmen; what quirks did they have there? Testing an idea, Jake inhaled deeply, and he smelt a vast amount of aromas: the spring flowers, the deer in the far distance, the soil’s earthy scent and even the sweat of his pursuers, staining trees and the ground from how fast they had been running to catch him. So, that meant so far, he had superhuman senses, or at least it was a slam dunk when it came to scent. Looking down to his claws, Jake stood slowly and approached a tree, lashing his hand down and watching in fascination as the bark splintered and pieces of it hit the ground; four diagonal claw marks present along the tree and running in deep.
So, his claws were also highly powerful as well…that was a perk.
Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 15 November 2017
Ability Check
Jake spent what felt like hours finding out everything he was capable of. From his efforts, he learned he had a wide arc of enhanced senses, could jump extremely high and run even faster, and he even seemed to have some forms of heightened regeneration. It felt amazing!
He almost didn’t want to stop being a Lizardman…almost.
The scaled being lanced from another drop, panting and glancing about, putting even more distance between him and his pursuers while also testing what he could do…and then…he smelled it.
Normally, it would smell annoying and revolting to Jake, but now…the smell of the barbaric pig made him feel…different.
Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 17 November 2017