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Scrub the plants star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>You start scrubbing the plants and you soon hit a flat stone surface. Could it be part of the factory's roof? Perhaps; perhaps not. Sometimes rocks just end up flat naturally. But if it is the factory... it should contain Bast knows how many million gateway-gadgets, spewing out Bast knows how many millions of gallons of water per minute, all together. So there should be currents (one big current, or a lot of smaller flows? you're not sure) of water flowing out of it. The obvious next step: Swim around the hill, looking for strong currents down here. <br/> <br/>You find a current, which seems like it could come from a hole in the lake bed. But if there is a hole, it's overgrown with plant life. So you clear the plants away, revealing what turns out to be a rather large holeā€”and suddunly a lot of hard objects spring out from that hole and donk you on the noggen! <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 26 October 2010

Female When your head clears

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