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Strange Happenings star star star star star

Midnight. They always came at midnight. The chimes from the old grandfather clock in the den jolted Daniel out of his restless dreams. It wasn't the chimes that woke him so much as the knowledge that They were coming. It was the same horrifying ritual, every single night.


The room was illuminated by an eerie pale green glow. Three figures in haz-mat suits stood around his bed. One of them held a large briefcase, another held a gun, and the third--the apparent leader, from the way he acted--was making entries into a large handheld computer. Daniel tried to escape, to run, to even move, but some unseen force held him in place, as immobile as the bed itself. The leader looked up from his computer and signaled to the one holding the briefcase, who set the case down and began to open it. Daniel strained to see its contents, but couldn't from his position. If only he could move...


The leader reached forward, grabbed the bedcovers and--


The shrill blast of Daniel's alarm clock filled the room. He'd had that dream again, the same one he'd been having every night for nearly a month. Except that it didn't feel like a normal dream. It felt more like a memory, but one that had been partially forgotten. Anyway, Dan had more important things to worry about, so he pushed whatever it was aside for the moment. Today was the last day of school, finally. All he had to do was survive his last few final exams, and he'd be home free. He wasn't about to let a creepy dream get him down.




Dr. DiCaoz glanced over his biology classroom. "Is anybody still working on the final?" he asked tiredly. He paused for a moment, then said, "If everybody is finished, you may talk quietly amongst yourselves for the remainder of the period." As the class erupted in chatter, he went back to nursing his hangover.


Daniel loved his biology class. It wasn't just that he was good at it, or that it was the last class of the day. By some bit of luck or fate, he happened to be in the same class as his four closest friends, Gassan, David, Pammy, and Jake. Gassan, David, and Pammy had become absurdly popular since coming to high school. Gassan was Lebanese and therefore "exotic," David was a star swimmer, and Pammy was a cheerleader. In retrospect, popularity was an inevitability. To the other popular kids, Jake an avid follower of the Furry subculture (he called it a craze, but nobody else did) and Daniel, the introspective writer, were social liabilities. Still, Gassan, David, and Pam never let their newfound "friends" keep them away from Jake and Dan. Privately, Daniel was grateful that he had managed to befriend the four people who appeared to be immune to high school drama.


"So, what'd you guys think?" Pammy whispered.


"I'm pretty sure Dr. Di is a nutcase," Gassan answered quickly. He was met with a chorus of approval from his companions.


"Anyway," Pam continued, "are we having our annual Thank-God-The-Schoolyear's-Over party tonight?"


"I can't go," Jake said, "I've got a convention."


"I can't go either," said David, "My dad's taking me camping. He's on a back-to-nature kick."


"I'm visiting my grandma," Gassan said. Pammy rolled her eyes.


"Alright," she sighed, "when do you guys get back?"




"Sunday evening"


"Sunday, but it'll be late."


"So," Pammy continued, "is Monday night alright with everyone?"




The days passed quickly. By the time Monday arrived, he had gone an entire weekend without his mysterious dreams. He was mostly relieved, but part of him wished the visitors would come back so he could find out what they were up to.


The streets were charged with an eerie calm. A summer storm was coming. As Daniel reached Pam's door, he couldn't help but feel a strange foreboding. Something was decidedly wrong. He rang the bell.


"Come in," called Pammy. Dan opened the door and found friend sitting on the floor in a tidy circle. They were all staring at him, an unsettling hunger in their eyes. "We are playing Truth or Dare," Pammy intoned mechanically. "Please, join us. Truth or Dare?"


"Please choose Dare," Gassan said, in the same unearthly voice.


"The Truth is never any fun," agreed David, still in the same tone. Throughout the exchange, none of the four took their eyes off of Daniel.


"Is everything alright?" he asked. "You all seem...different."


Pammy answered in the same monotone as before: "We are collectively unnerved at a series of recurring dreams we have been having. Perhaps you too are experiencing these visions?"


"Yeah," Dan said, "but I'm not acting that weird about it."


"Perhaps," Pammy said, "All will be made more clear if you answer this simple question: Truth...or Dare?"

Written by Zodiac on 31 May 2008

Setting up emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“It’ll be fun,” they said. “It’ll be cool,” they said. Well… so far it’s not that fun, and it’s certainly not seeming very cool for Daniel, in fact, he feels a little bored with the whole idea, but then again… it sort of was his idea to begin with; so why should he even complain?


Gassan, a foreign-exchange student from Lebanon who happens to be one of Daniel’s newest and closest friends, decided that it would be neat to experience something like this. After all, it was only a dare.


Pammy and David, who were dating at the time, had a reputation to uphold. They were what the other students would call “the popular” people.


If Pam and David were to turn down something this simple, what would everyone think of them?


“It is only a dare, I believe it will be fun to explore it!” says Gassan in his Lebanese accent, “Is this not what you do on weekends? Hanging out and having fun?”


“Yeah,” says Daniel, looking over at the two lovebirds leaning against the school building; David kisses Pammy on her neck and watches her giggle, “When we aren’t doing things like that, in public!” he yells, kicking a loose pebble over to David’s shoes.


“Easy there, twerp!” David teases playfully, “These are new! Anyway… what was the dare again?”


Daniel crosses his arms, “We’re supposed to spend the night in that old military complex thing outside town.”


“Ew,” Pammy complains, “I don’t want to sleep anywhere where I can’t shower! There’s probably no lights on, how am I supposed to do my hair?”


“It’s only one night, besides, you look pretty no matter what,” David sucks up, snuggling his little Pammy again, “So you gonna come with?”


“Oh… fine. I guess,” says Pammy.


Since then it was settled. The four would spend the night in the abandoned complex. Rumors had it that the place was haunted. A lot of people could swear they heard ghosts or even things that sounded like gunfire.


Others experienced something completely different. Some say their desires were heightened, like they were tempted to do or say things they never thought they would do or say. It was as if their bodies were taken over. It was as if… the longer they stayed, the more susceptible to the strange entities they would become.

Written by Sparrow the Wolf on 25 April 2015

Jake emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

At his home, Daniel decides to pack for the weekend ahead. He packs a sleeping back, a change of
clothes, a first aid kid, and his cellphone, just in case of any emergencies.


Gassan was responsible for bringing enough food for everyone, where Pammy would be in charge of water. David’s only requirement was to have his car in top condition, just in case they needed to go somewhere in an emergency. Stalling and any other car problems would not be suitable for an emergency situation. It’s safe to say that the four kids were more than ready to go.


Daniel’s cellphone rings: Jake is calling. He probably wants to spend the weekend gaming at his house with a few buddies. As usual, he’d be inviting Daniel over. Daniel answers the phone and immediately, Jake starts to ask questions.


“I heard you guys were doing it! You’re really going to that old place?” Jake says, excitedly.


“I guess so,” Daniel responds, zipping up his camping pack, “Let me guess… you wanna come, too?”


“You bet I do! Should I bring anything?”


“Just yourself. I think we have pretty much all we need,” Daniel says, “Just anything you might need, I guess.”


“Cool! I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”

Written by Sparrow the Wolf on 26 April 2015

Heading Out emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The next day, Daniel stands outside his house with his large pack slung over his shoulder. His mind wanders toward the myths and legends about that old spot, eager to know if any of it is true.


What if the place really is haunted? That’d be kind of cool, I guess, but what if it’s… I dunno. This is crazy. I can’t back out now, though. Everyone will think I’m chicken.


An eerie gust of a light breeze combs through Daniel’s hair, compelling him to look over his shoulder.He sees nothing out of the ordinary. He sees his home, his father’s car, his every day, usual front yard.


David pulls up in his car, “Hey dork!” he jokes, “Hop in, we got breakfast for ya.”


“Sweet, whatdja bring me?” Daniel asks, smiling as he opens the back seat, tossing his bag into far, far back. For a small car, there sure is a lot of room inside.


“We got you a muffin from McDonald’s and I don’t know what you wanted to drink so we just got you a power aide,” Pammy said, passing back my breakfast.“Nah, this is perfect, thanks!”


Gassan is seated next to Daniel, eating his own breakfast, listening to his iPod. Daniel can hear his music blaring from his earbuds as he looks over to him and smiles, giving Daniel a short, small wave.


“Uh, David,” Daniel says, “We’ll probably have to swing by Jake’s place, too.”


“We’re going to a haunted complex, not some convention, did you explain that to him?” David laughs.


“Kinda,” Daniel replies.


“Oh Jake? Yes! Let’s bring Jake, he’s always so nice to talk to,” Gassan smiles, pricking an earbud out of his right ear.


“Alright, he’ll have so squeeze between you guys, though,” David says.


“That’s fine,” Daniel says

Written by Sparrow the Wolf on 27 April 2015

All together in the car. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

If the car wasn’t full enough, Jake is now nuzzled between the two in the back. Gassan and Daniel made just enough room for Jake to join them.


Jake adjusts his fox-ear headband and smiles at David through the window.


“You really had to bring them?” David smiles.


“Of course!” Jake smiles, “I know you guys think it’s weird but I like them. Part of my personality!”


“Whatever you wanna do, Jake,” Daniel smiles.


The entire trip, Jake decided it would be a good idea to brush up his classmates and friends in the car on the education about the furry fandom.


Honestly, Gassan has learned a lot.


“But it’s not all porn stuff. I mean, being ‘furry’ just means you like you express yourself with your inner animal. As you can see… I love foxes, and I think they’re really cool and if I could live my life as a fox… I think I’d be the happiest person alive,” Jake explains, “Otherwise, I
just role play online. Nothing too sexual, though, I’m just in it for friends and fun.”


“I think it’s cute!” Pammy says, smiling back from the front seat, “I think I’d be a kitten. Like, maybe a tiger or something really cute.”


“I could see that. You’d be a pretty good tiger. I like tigers too, though. Maybe I could be like a cross breed,” Jake laughs.

Written by Sparrow the Wolf on 28 April 2015

The complex emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The conversation dulled down as the five neared the complex. The trees slowly began to look more and more unkempt and wild. The property where the complex stands can be seen from a distance, and it truly looks as though nature is slowly reclaiming the land and everything on it as its own, engulfing the walls of the old complex with greenery and grasses.


Getting out of the car, Jake, Daniel, and Gassan are stuck with grabbing everyone’s bags, including their own.


Pammy’s excuse was that she would help, but for fear of breaking her newly manicured nails, she could not.


“So this is the place?” David says, looking at the front of the complex. The paint on the building is chipping and old. The front gymnasium-like doors are slightly opened and a light looks like it’s on, flickering a bit.


Daniel thought it was a bit odd. If the lights are on… does that mean someone is still running this place?


“Well, what’re we waiting for?” Jake says, a big smile on his face, “Let’s go!”


“How are you so excited about this?” Daniel asks, hauling a couple bags over his shoulders.


“I, too, am just a little excited. It might be scary!” Gassan smiles, “I do not believe in ghosts, but if there are some in there, it is bound to be a grand experience.”

Written by Sparrow the Wolf on 29 April 2015

Inside emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The five walk inside, the fluorescent light weakly shining, fighting the flicker and pushing itself to give the building some life.


Their footsteps echoed only a little. Not even ten steps into the building and already, Pammy was getting the chills and creeps.


Holding onto David’s arm in fear, Pammy’s gaze shifted from left to right, examining the run down, old, creepy environment.


“This is weird, Davey,” Pammy says, clinging a bit harder as the five walk through the old, abandoned military building. Pammy could swear she heard someone whisper her name, “What was that? Did you hear that?”


“I heard someone say my name. Did you, Daniel?” Jake asks, using his cellphone as a light as they delve further into the building.


“No… and it wasn’t Gassan… he wandered off that way,” Daniel says, pointing off to the left down a hallway covered in cobwebs and sprinkled with debris.


“We’d better find him, we shouldn’t get separated,” David said, leading the four down the messy hallway.


Boards from the ceiling have fallen, making for make-shift ramps for the rats and insects infesting the place. Pammy immediately gasps.

Written by Sparrow the Wolf on 30 April 2015

She stays behind emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“No way. I’m not going down there. I’ll wait in the room we just came from! Ew… ew, ew, ew… rats and bugs? Ugh! Count me out.” Pammy turns away and heads out of the hallway, leaving the three boys to themselves.


As the three boys go off to look for Gassan, Pammy sits near everyone’s bags, taking out her cellphone and starting an app. The glowing screen of her cellphone flickers, and suddenly, at full battery, the cellphone’s screen turns black.


“What the hell? Ugh… stupid thing…” Pammy mumbles quietly to herself. Inspecting her phone, she tries to turn it back on.




Suddenly, a gust of a harsh wind blows the steel door shut all the way, leaving Pammy alone in the dark.


She becomes immediately frightened, dropping her phone. The flickering, buzzing fluorescent light is her only means of vision.


Turning around to feel for her phone, she sees it.


It’s been standing there the entire time.

Written by Sparrow the Wolf on 01 May 2015

Both Gassan

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