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Strange Happenings star star star star star

Midnight. They always came at midnight. The chimes from the old grandfather clock in the den jolted Daniel out of his restless dreams. It wasn't the chimes that woke him so much as the knowledge that They were coming. It was the same horrifying ritual, every single night.


The room was illuminated by an eerie pale green glow. Three figures in haz-mat suits stood around his bed. One of them held a large briefcase, another held a gun, and the third--the apparent leader, from the way he acted--was making entries into a large handheld computer. Daniel tried to escape, to run, to even move, but some unseen force held him in place, as immobile as the bed itself. The leader looked up from his computer and signaled to the one holding the briefcase, who set the case down and began to open it. Daniel strained to see its contents, but couldn't from his position. If only he could move...


The leader reached forward, grabbed the bedcovers and--


The shrill blast of Daniel's alarm clock filled the room. He'd had that dream again, the same one he'd been having every night for nearly a month. Except that it didn't feel like a normal dream. It felt more like a memory, but one that had been partially forgotten. Anyway, Dan had more important things to worry about, so he pushed whatever it was aside for the moment. Today was the last day of school, finally. All he had to do was survive his last few final exams, and he'd be home free. He wasn't about to let a creepy dream get him down.




Dr. DiCaoz glanced over his biology classroom. "Is anybody still working on the final?" he asked tiredly. He paused for a moment, then said, "If everybody is finished, you may talk quietly amongst yourselves for the remainder of the period." As the class erupted in chatter, he went back to nursing his hangover.


Daniel loved his biology class. It wasn't just that he was good at it, or that it was the last class of the day. By some bit of luck or fate, he happened to be in the same class as his four closest friends, Gassan, David, Pammy, and Jake. Gassan, David, and Pammy had become absurdly popular since coming to high school. Gassan was Lebanese and therefore "exotic," David was a star swimmer, and Pammy was a cheerleader. In retrospect, popularity was an inevitability. To the other popular kids, Jake an avid follower of the Furry subculture (he called it a craze, but nobody else did) and Daniel, the introspective writer, were social liabilities. Still, Gassan, David, and Pam never let their newfound "friends" keep them away from Jake and Dan. Privately, Daniel was grateful that he had managed to befriend the four people who appeared to be immune to high school drama.


"So, what'd you guys think?" Pammy whispered.


"I'm pretty sure Dr. Di is a nutcase," Gassan answered quickly. He was met with a chorus of approval from his companions.


"Anyway," Pam continued, "are we having our annual Thank-God-The-Schoolyear's-Over party tonight?"


"I can't go," Jake said, "I've got a convention."


"I can't go either," said David, "My dad's taking me camping. He's on a back-to-nature kick."


"I'm visiting my grandma," Gassan said. Pammy rolled her eyes.


"Alright," she sighed, "when do you guys get back?"




"Sunday evening"


"Sunday, but it'll be late."


"So," Pammy continued, "is Monday night alright with everyone?"




The days passed quickly. By the time Monday arrived, he had gone an entire weekend without his mysterious dreams. He was mostly relieved, but part of him wished the visitors would come back so he could find out what they were up to.


The streets were charged with an eerie calm. A summer storm was coming. As Daniel reached Pam's door, he couldn't help but feel a strange foreboding. Something was decidedly wrong. He rang the bell.


"Come in," called Pammy. Dan opened the door and found friend sitting on the floor in a tidy circle. They were all staring at him, an unsettling hunger in their eyes. "We are playing Truth or Dare," Pammy intoned mechanically. "Please, join us. Truth or Dare?"


"Please choose Dare," Gassan said, in the same unearthly voice.


"The Truth is never any fun," agreed David, still in the same tone. Throughout the exchange, none of the four took their eyes off of Daniel.


"Is everything alright?" he asked. "You all seem...different."


Pammy answered in the same monotone as before: "We are collectively unnerved at a series of recurring dreams we have been having. Perhaps you too are experiencing these visions?"


"Yeah," Dan said, "but I'm not acting that weird about it."


"Perhaps," Pammy said, "All will be made more clear if you answer this simple question: Truth...or Dare?"

Written by Zodiac on 31 May 2008

Dare: bring something back emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Dare," Daniel said. "I'll go for a dare."


It was silly, something that a senior in high school shouldn’t really be participating in, but
he didn’t care. He had to know and it might be fun too. Plus, it made Pammy happy as
evidenced when she smiled and clapped her hands together.


"Perfect," she said. "Perfect! I have just the dare." Her smile broadened and she leaned
in towards Daniel, her next words a whisper. "Have you heard of Area 50?"


Daniel stiffened, and nodded.


"Good," she said. "I dare you to go there and I double dare you to bring something


"Fine," Daniel said, smiling now too. "I'll bring you back a rock or maybe a few pebbles!"


"No." Pammy smirked. "I don't just double dare you--I double dog dare you to bring me
something strange from there!"


Daniel blinked, and then nodded again.


"Fine--I'll bring you a big spider! Or maybe a giant cockroach!"


She shrieked and shook her head, but he was already walking off.


"I'll be back," he said. "Then it's your turn."


Written by skiesofsilver on 13 January 2017

Labs emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel cautiously entered the abandoned base, the air heavy with silence. The dim light from his flashlight danced across the deserted corridors as he made his way deeper into the facility. The place felt eerie, as if the walls themselves held the secrets of the past.


After what seemed like an eternity, he stumbled upon the mess hall. The room was vast, filled with rows of empty tables and chairs covered in a thick layer of dust. A faint smell of mildew lingered in the air. Daniel's flashlight revealed abandoned trays and forgotten utensils scattered across the floor.


As he explored further, he noticed a set of double doors at the far end of the mess hall. They seemed more secure than the other doors he had encountered, piquing his curiosity. With a cautious glance around, he approached the doors and tried to push them open.


To his surprise, they creaked open, revealing a room that contrasted sharply with the decay of the mess hall. The walls were lined with shelves containing mysterious vials, scientific instruments, and unusual artifacts. A large, dusty chalkboard displayed complex equations and diagrams.


Daniel's eyes widened as he realized he had stumbled upon a hidden laboratory. It seemed like the kind of place that held secrets far beyond his understanding. Despite the dust and neglect, the equipment appeared functional, frozen in time as if waiting for someone to return.

Written by - on 01 January 2024

Board Game emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The board game on the table caught Daniel's attention. It seemed out of place among the scientific equipment and mysterious artifacts. As he approached, he saw that the game was called "Eclipse of Eternity." The box displayed a cosmic scene with planets, stars, and a peculiar symbol that he couldn't quite decipher.


Curiosity getting the better of him, Daniel opened the box to find an intricately designed game board, various cards, and unique playing pieces. The instructions were written in an unknown language, but the images on the cards and the board suggested a game that involved cosmic exploration and otherworldly challenges.


Feeling a strange connection to the game, Daniel decided to take it with him as his "strange" item for Pammy's dare. As he carefully packed it in his bag, he couldn't shake the feeling that the game held a significance beyond its appearance.


Leaving the hidden laboratory, he retraced his steps through the deserted corridors of the abandoned base. The air seemed thicker now, as if the place itself was aware of his presence. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.


Once outside, Daniel made his way back to Pammy's house, board game in hand. The eerie calm from before had intensified, and the storm clouds loomed overhead. As he entered the house, the atmosphere inside was even more unsettling than when he left.


Pammy and the others were sitting in the same circle, their eyes fixed on him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. Pammy, still in that monotone voice, asked, "Did you bring something strange from Area 50?"


"I did," Daniel replied, holding up the box of "Eclipse of Eternity." "It's a board game. I found it in a hidden laboratory."

Written by - on 04 January 2024

Play the game emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As Daniel finished explaining and held up the box of "Eclipse of Eternity," Pammy and the others looked at it with a mix of surprise and confusion. The room begane to glow in a pale green glow.


As the first roll of the dice echoed in the room, something remarkable happened. The monotone emotions that had gripped Pammy, Gassan, David, and Jake started to break. Their eyes widened, and their expressions shifted from the strange, controlled demeanor to genuine surprise and curiosity.


Pammy blinked a few times, her monotone voice replaced by a more natural tone. "Wait, what's happening? Why do I feel...normal again?"


Gassan looked around, almost disoriented. "Did we just snap out of something weird? What's going on?"


David and Jake exchanged bewildered glances, as if they were waking up from a deep and perplexing dream. The room, once filled with an unsettling calm, now buzzed with an unexpected energy.


Daniel, still holding the dice in his hand, couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment mixed with confusion. The board game seemed to have broken whatever strange influence had held his friends captive.


"Maybe this game is more than just a game," he mused. "It might be the key to understanding those dreams and what happened to us."

Written by - on 07 January 2024

Vixen emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As the dice finish rolling Daniel's piece moves on it's own and a card floats up from the deck.


"Embrace the cosmic shift, where reality and dreams intertwine. The threads of fate weave a tale of transformation. As the dice dance, the spirit of the celestial vixen awakens within. A tail of enchantment marks the path to a new form. Roll the dice, embrace the unknown, and let the eclipse of eternity guide your destiny."


The words shimmered with an otherworldly glow, emphasizing the mysterious and transformative nature of the message. The group exchanged glances, uncertainty hanging in the air as they contemplated the implications of the enigmatic card.


The room fell into stunned silence as the mysterious card revealed its unexpected message. The air seemed to thicken with a newfound tension as everyone stared at Daniel.


"What... What just happened?" Pammy stammered, her eyes widening with disbelief.


"I have no idea," Daniel replied, feeling a strange sensation at the base of his spine. He shifted uncomfortably and looked down, only to see a fluffy fox tail swaying behind him.


Gasps filled the room as the others noticed the transformation. Gassan, David, and Jake were speechless, their eyes fixed on Daniel's newly acquired appendage.


"Uh, guys?" Daniel said nervously, "I think this game might be more than just a game. There was something about a transformation on the card, and well... look."


Pammy cautiously approached Daniel and reached out to touch the fox tail. It felt real, soft, and surprisingly warm. She pulled her hand back in shock, her eyes widening even further.


"Is this for real?" Gassan exclaimed. "Are you turning into a fox?"


"I have no idea, but this game seems to have some weird effects," Daniel admitted, still processing the surreal situation.


As the group exchanged bewildered glances, the realization sank in that the "Eclipse of Eternity" board game held powers beyond their understanding. The storm outside intensified, echoing the brewing chaos within the room.


"Okay, this is officially the weirdest thing that has ever happened to us," Jake muttered, his eyes fixed on Daniel's fox tail.

Written by - on 11 January 2024

Todd emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As Pammy picked up the dice and rolled, the room held its collective breath. The dice clattered on the board, and a new card materialized, its ethereal glow casting an eerie light. Pammy's eyes widened as she read the message:


"In the cosmic dance of transformation, the celestial vixen seeks her todd fox. As your essence intertwines with destiny, a sign of connection appears. Behold the emergence of the vixen's charm, while the todd fox finds his path in the cosmic embrace."


Pammy's hand instinctively moved to her back, and a soft gasp escaped her lips as a fox tail emerged, matching Daniel's. However, the unexpected twist didn't stop there. As Pammy's tail appeared, a subtle change occurred. Daniel felt a peculiar sensation, and to his surprise, his chest underwent a transformation, curves emerging as if in response to the cosmic alignment.


"Whoa, wait, what just happened?" Daniel exclaimed, looking down at his changing form.


Gassan, David, and Jake exchanged bewildered glances, trying to comprehend the unfolding events. Jake, always quick to voice his thoughts, spoke up, "Vixens are female, and todds are male, right? So, what's going on here?"


Daniel's eyes widened in realization as Jake's question hung in the air. A mix of confusion and understanding crossed his face, and he looked down at the newly formed curves on his chest. The realization hit him, and he whispered, almost to himself, "I think I'm becoming...female?"


Daniel's eyes widened in realization as Jake's question hung in the air. A mix of confusion and understanding crossed his face, and he looked down at the newly formed curves on his chest. The realization hit him, and he whispered, almost to himself, "I think I'm becoming...female?"


Pammy, still processing her own transformation, looked at Daniel with a mixture of surprise and empathy. The others in the room exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the surreal nature of the situation.


Jake, the one who had pointed out the gender distinctions, seemed both intrigued and bewildered. "So, we're not just turning into foxes, but gender-flipping foxes?"


The storm outside mirrored the tumultuous atmosphere inside the room, as the friends grappled with the profound changes unfolding. The cosmic dance of transformation seemed to have woven a tale beyond their comprehension, blending elements of fantasy and reality in a way that defied explanation.

Written by - on 14 January 2024

Skunk emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Jake took hold of the dice, anticipation evident in his eyes. He rolled them across the mystical board, and as they settled, a card materialized with an ethereal glow. The words on the card hinted at the skunk-inspired transformation:


"In the cosmic ballet, a scent of mystery and transformation envelops you. Stripes emerge, marking your new identity. Embrace the unique essence that lingers in the dance of change."


As Jake read the card, a subtle shift occurred. Striped patterns manifested on his skin. The room filled with a faint, unique scent, adding an otherworldly aura to the transformative process.


However, the cosmic dance wasn't finished yet. As Jake underwent his skunk-inspired transformation, the mystical energy seemed to ripple through the room, influencing the others. Daniel, already experiencing changes, felt another wave of transformation. His chest, now with feminine curves, filled out even more.Meanwhile, Pammy, who had felt a subtle alteration in her physique. Her features became more defined, taking on the sculpted, muscular appearance typically associated with a male physique.


The room buzzed with a surreal energy, each transformation layering upon the next as the friends navigated the unpredictable twists of the cosmic board game. The storm outside echoed the intensity of the changes within, and the dice, now imbued with the power of the mystical game, waited for the next player to take their turn in this enigmatic journey of metamorphosis.

Written by - on 18 January 2024

Sphinx emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Gassan, with a sense of both wonder and trepidation, picked up the dice and rolled them across the cosmic board. The card materialized with an ethereal glow, its words hinting at Gassan's unique transformation:


"In the cosmic realm, the enigma unfolds. Wings of enchantment grace your form, and a riddle becomes the echo of your essence. Embrace the wisdom that resides in the dance of metamorphosis."


As the words resonated in the room, a subtle but profound shift occurred within Gassan. Ethereal wings emerged from his back, majestic and otherworldly, hinting at an ancient mystery. The room filled with an aura of wisdom, and a quiet riddle seemed to linger in the air.


Daniel, now embodying a fully female form, felt a mix of awe and uncertainty. Her frame had transformed, curves accentuating her figure, and her clothing subtly adjusted to fit the contours of her new physique. Daniel, now Danielle, looked at her reflection in a nearby mirror, still processing the profound change.


Pammy, on the other hand, had undergone a different kind of transformation. Her physique, once characterized by the toned athleticism of a cheerleader, had taken on a more sculpted and muscular appearance typically associated with a male physique. The change was both striking and surreal, and Pammy explored the nuances of her altered identity with a mix of fascination and introspection.


"Wow, this is... unexpected," Danielle murmured, adjusting to the nuances of her changed body.


Pammy, now embodying a more masculine form, ran a hand through her hair, feeling the difference. "I never thought I'd see myself like this.


Jake, with his skunk-inspired features, experienced another layer of change, his tail grew out. The tail, adorned with bold stripes, swayed with a newfound grandeur, giving Jake an unmistakable and charismatic presence. As he adjusted to the change, he couldn't help but marvel at the intricate patterns that adorned his transformed appendage.


"Whoa, check out the tail!" Jake exclaimed, his eyes widening with a mix of surprise and excitement. "This is wild, guys! I've got a skunk tail!"


As Jake playfully swished his larger-than-life skunk tail, the room resonated with a sense of camaraderie and acceptance. The friends, each embodying unique aspects of mystical creatures, found a shared connection in the midst of their cosmic transformations.

Written by - on 21 January 2024

Royalty emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

David, the last to take his turn, approached the cosmic board with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. He picked up the dice and gave them a roll, the room holding its breath as the dice clattered and the final card materialized with an ethereal glow.


The words on the card hinted at a significant choice: "In the cosmic theater, a decision awaits. Will you embrace the mantle of royalty or take the path of a servant? Choose, and let the hands of destiny shape your fate."


David considered the options presented to him, weighing the potential consequences of his decision. After a moment of contemplation, he announced, "I choose royalty."


As David made his choice, a subtle transformation began. His hands underwent a gradual shift, fingers elongating into graceful and elegant hooves. The room held a hushed anticipation as a regal crown materialized on his head, completing the transformation into a figure of royalty.


The others watched in awe as David, now adorned with hoof-like hands and a majestic crown, stood with newfound regality. The room seemed to acknowledge the transformation, bathing him in a soft, golden light.


"How am I meant to roll the dice with these?" David asked, looking down at his transformed hands. "Perhaps we should stop playing."


As the idea of abandoning the game hung in the air, a card floated up from the deck in front of Danielle. The room held a moment of suspense as everyone turned their attention to the mystical message.


"Leaving is not allowed. Penalty is applied. 4-1 is not allowed. Pick '3-2' or '2-3' and choose David, Jake, or Gassan."


Danielle read the words aloud, her voice echoing in the room. The implications of the penalty and the specified choices left an air of uncertainty among the group. The dice, now carrying the weight of consequences, awaited the next move, as the friends faced the mysterious consequences of their cosmic journey.

Written by - on 25 January 2024

Both 2-3 David

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