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Strange Happenings star star star star star

Midnight. They always came at midnight. The chimes from the old grandfather clock in the den jolted Daniel out of his restless dreams. It wasn't the chimes that woke him so much as the knowledge that They were coming. It was the same horrifying ritual, every single night.


The room was illuminated by an eerie pale green glow. Three figures in haz-mat suits stood around his bed. One of them held a large briefcase, another held a gun, and the third--the apparent leader, from the way he acted--was making entries into a large handheld computer. Daniel tried to escape, to run, to even move, but some unseen force held him in place, as immobile as the bed itself. The leader looked up from his computer and signaled to the one holding the briefcase, who set the case down and began to open it. Daniel strained to see its contents, but couldn't from his position. If only he could move...


The leader reached forward, grabbed the bedcovers and--


The shrill blast of Daniel's alarm clock filled the room. He'd had that dream again, the same one he'd been having every night for nearly a month. Except that it didn't feel like a normal dream. It felt more like a memory, but one that had been partially forgotten. Anyway, Dan had more important things to worry about, so he pushed whatever it was aside for the moment. Today was the last day of school, finally. All he had to do was survive his last few final exams, and he'd be home free. He wasn't about to let a creepy dream get him down.




Dr. DiCaoz glanced over his biology classroom. "Is anybody still working on the final?" he asked tiredly. He paused for a moment, then said, "If everybody is finished, you may talk quietly amongst yourselves for the remainder of the period." As the class erupted in chatter, he went back to nursing his hangover.


Daniel loved his biology class. It wasn't just that he was good at it, or that it was the last class of the day. By some bit of luck or fate, he happened to be in the same class as his four closest friends, Gassan, David, Pammy, and Jake. Gassan, David, and Pammy had become absurdly popular since coming to high school. Gassan was Lebanese and therefore "exotic," David was a star swimmer, and Pammy was a cheerleader. In retrospect, popularity was an inevitability. To the other popular kids, Jake an avid follower of the Furry subculture (he called it a craze, but nobody else did) and Daniel, the introspective writer, were social liabilities. Still, Gassan, David, and Pam never let their newfound "friends" keep them away from Jake and Dan. Privately, Daniel was grateful that he had managed to befriend the four people who appeared to be immune to high school drama.


"So, what'd you guys think?" Pammy whispered.


"I'm pretty sure Dr. Di is a nutcase," Gassan answered quickly. He was met with a chorus of approval from his companions.


"Anyway," Pam continued, "are we having our annual Thank-God-The-Schoolyear's-Over party tonight?"


"I can't go," Jake said, "I've got a convention."


"I can't go either," said David, "My dad's taking me camping. He's on a back-to-nature kick."


"I'm visiting my grandma," Gassan said. Pammy rolled her eyes.


"Alright," she sighed, "when do you guys get back?"




"Sunday evening"


"Sunday, but it'll be late."


"So," Pammy continued, "is Monday night alright with everyone?"




The days passed quickly. By the time Monday arrived, he had gone an entire weekend without his mysterious dreams. He was mostly relieved, but part of him wished the visitors would come back so he could find out what they were up to.


The streets were charged with an eerie calm. A summer storm was coming. As Daniel reached Pam's door, he couldn't help but feel a strange foreboding. Something was decidedly wrong. He rang the bell.


"Come in," called Pammy. Dan opened the door and found friend sitting on the floor in a tidy circle. They were all staring at him, an unsettling hunger in their eyes. "We are playing Truth or Dare," Pammy intoned mechanically. "Please, join us. Truth or Dare?"


"Please choose Dare," Gassan said, in the same unearthly voice.


"The Truth is never any fun," agreed David, still in the same tone. Throughout the exchange, none of the four took their eyes off of Daniel.


"Is everything alright?" he asked. "You all seem...different."


Pammy answered in the same monotone as before: "We are collectively unnerved at a series of recurring dreams we have been having. Perhaps you too are experiencing these visions?"


"Yeah," Dan said, "but I'm not acting that weird about it."


"Perhaps," Pammy said, "All will be made more clear if you answer this simple question: Truth...or Dare?"

Written by Zodiac on 31 May 2008

Dare: bring something back emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Dare," Daniel said. "I'll go for a dare."


It was silly, something that a senior in high school shouldn’t really be participating in, but
he didn’t care. He had to know and it might be fun too. Plus, it made Pammy happy as
evidenced when she smiled and clapped her hands together.


"Perfect," she said. "Perfect! I have just the dare." Her smile broadened and she leaned
in towards Daniel, her next words a whisper. "Have you heard of Area 50?"


Daniel stiffened, and nodded.


"Good," she said. "I dare you to go there and I double dare you to bring something


"Fine," Daniel said, smiling now too. "I'll bring you back a rock or maybe a few pebbles!"


"No." Pammy smirked. "I don't just double dare you--I double dog dare you to bring me
something strange from there!"


Daniel blinked, and then nodded again.


"Fine--I'll bring you a big spider! Or maybe a giant cockroach!"


She shrieked and shook her head, but he was already walking off.


"I'll be back," he said. "Then it's your turn."


Written by skiesofsilver on 13 January 2017

Duct Infiltration emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The journey to Area 50 was nothing short of an adventure. Daniel had heard of the place before, a rumored government facility hidden away from public view, shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. He wasn't entirely sure if the place even existed, but he figured it was worth checking out for the sake of the dare and the intrigue that had been building since his unsettling dreams.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desert landscape, Daniel found himself standing before a chain-link fence with a sign that read, "Restricted Area: No Trespassing." The air was heavy with the scent of sagebrush and the distant howling of a coyote carried on the wind. The base was nestled against a rocky hillside, its buildings barely visible in the fading light.


Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Daniel slipped through a gap in the fence and into the barren expanse beyond. He felt a mixture of excitement and unease, a thrilling sense of trespassing on something forbidden. The dirt crunched beneath his sneakers as he made his way towards the base.


The closer he got, the more his heart raced. The buildings came into clearer view, and he could make out a series of nondescript structures with blank windows and metal doors. He kept to the shadows, crouching low as he approached what looked like the main entrance. The dim light filtering from a few strategically placed lamps did little to dispel the eerie atmosphere.


Daniel pressed his back against the wall, trying to decide his next move. He glanced around, his pulse quickening when he spotted a ventilation grate partially ajar. It was a risky move, but he had a feeling that if he was going to find something strange to bring back, it might be hidden away within the bowels of the facility.


He approached the grate cautiously, his heart pounding in his chest. Taking a deep breath, he gripped the edges of the grate and slowly pulled it open. The sound of metal scraping against metal seemed deafening in the silence of the night. After a tense moment, he slipped inside the duct, wriggling through the cramped space with as much stealth as he could muster.


The inside of the ventilation duct was dimly lit by the occasional shaft of light filtering through grates above. It was a maze of metal passageways, and Daniel had no idea where he was going. He let his intuition guide him, hoping to stumble upon something intriguing.


After what felt like an eternity of crawling, he finally came across a grate that overlooked a room below. Peering through the slats, his eyes widened at the sight before him. The room was filled with rows of cylindrical tanks, each containing a strange luminescent liquid. Shadows danced across the walls as figures in haz-mat suits moved around, tending to the tanks.


The sight sent a chill down Daniel's spine. This was exactly the kind of strange he had been looking for, but it was also deeply unsettling. He watched as the haz-mat-suited individuals worked diligently, their movements precise and deliberate.


Suddenly, a voice crackled over an intercom, echoing through the room. "Initiating Phase 3 of Experiment A-17."


Daniel's heart raced as he watched the figures begin to manipulate controls and enter data into nearby computers. He had stumbled upon something far more than he had bargained for, something that seemed straight out of a science fiction movie.


As he continued to observe, a noise behind him made him freeze. He turned slowly, his breath catching in his throat as he met the gaze of one of the haz-mat-suited individuals. The figure stood in the duct entrance, their expression hidden behind the mask of their suit.

Written by - on 31 August 2023

Caught emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As he continued to observe, a noise behind him made him freeze. He turned slowly, his breath catching in his throat as he met the gaze of one of the haz-mat-suited individuals. The figure stood in the duct entrance, their expression hidden behind the mask of their suit. Panic surged through Daniel as he realized he had been caught.


His mind raced for a split second, assessing his options. Running was out of the question; he was trapped. The figure's presence blocked the only exit. His heart hammered in his chest, and his palms grew sweaty as he tried to formulate a coherent thought.


The haz-mat-suited person took a step forward, their gloved hand reaching toward a device on their belt. Daniel's pulse quickened as he imagined it could be some sort of weapon or communication device to call for backup. He was well and truly caught in a situation he couldn't talk his way out of.


"Who are you?" the figure's voice filtered through a speaker in their suit, sounding distorted and robotic.


Daniel's mind raced, but words eluded him. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again, his throat dry. He had stumbled into something he couldn't explain, and fear clenched at his chest.


The figure took another step, the dim light reflecting off the visor of their helmet. "You shouldn't be here. This is a secure facility."


Finally finding his voice, Daniel stammered, "I... I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious."


"Curious?" The figure's tone remained cold and distant. "Curiosity can get you into a lot of trouble."


Daniel's thoughts raced, his mind desperately searching for a way out of the situation. He considered apologizing and begging for mercy, but something in the figure's demeanor told him that wouldn't be enough.


"Turn around and place your hands on the wall," the figure ordered.


Daniel's heart sank. There was no escape now. He slowly turned and pressed his palms against the cool metal wall of the ventilation duct. He felt a surge of vulnerability, trapped between the figure and the confined space.


The figure approached, their movements deliberate and calculated. With gloved hands, they patted down Daniel, checking for any concealed objects. Daniel's heart raced as he felt the weight of his actions sinking in. He had ventured too far, and now he was facing the consequences.


"Stay right here," the figure commanded as they stepped away, their masked gaze never leaving Daniel.


Minutes felt like hours as Daniel stood there, his thoughts a whirlwind of fear, regret, and uncertainty. He had hoped for excitement and a bizarre souvenir, but he had underestimated the risks involved.


Eventually, the figure returned, holding a small device that resembled a tablet. "You have stumbled upon classified information," they said. "Your presence here cannot go unnoticed."


"I didn't mean to see anything," Daniel protested, his voice shaky.


"It's too late for that now," the figure replied impassively. "You will be taken into custody and debriefed."


As the figure moved closer, Daniel knew there was no use in resisting. He had walked into a situation far beyond his control. The haz-mat-suited individual extended their hand, and Daniel reluctantly placed his own in it. With a firm grip, the figure led him out of the duct and into a reality he had never anticipated, leaving behind the mystery of Area 50 and stepping into a world of unknown consequences.

Written by - on 02 September 2023

Robotic Tiger emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel found himself in a sterile, dimly lit room that seemed to be part of the hidden complex beneath Area 50. The walls were bare, and a single metal table dominated the center of the room. His heart still raced from the encounter with the haz-mat-suited individual, and his mind raced to make sense of the surreal situation he was in.


He was alone for only a few minutes before the door slid open, revealing the haz-mat-suited figure once more. This time, they were accompanied by a second figure wearing a similar suit. The newcomer held a mechanical device that caught Daniel's attention immediately – it looked like the lower half of a robotic creature, something akin to the lower body of a tiger but entirely mechanical.


"Daniel," the first figure's voice crackled through the speaker in their mask, "this is your only way forward."


Confusion and apprehension tightened Daniel's chest. "What... what is that?"


"It's an integration unit," the second figure explained. Their voice was muffled by the suit, but still conveyed a certain calmness. "You've inadvertently accessed classified information. To proceed safely, you need to interface with this unit."


Daniel's mind raced, his thoughts swirling with disbelief and anxiety. "Interface? What do you mean?"


The first figure stepped forward, holding out the mechanical device. The lower half of the robotic creature was intricately designed, gleaming metal and advanced machinery. It was eerily lifelike, and yet entirely artificial.


"To put it simply," the second figure continued, "you'll be attaching this unit to yourself. It will allow you to access secure areas and bypass security measures within this facility."


Daniel stared at the robotic component, his mind racing through a thousand scenarios. He felt a mixture of fear, intrigue, and an odd sense of fascination. What had started as a dare had escalated far beyond anything he could have imagined.


"Why me?" he finally managed to ask. "Why involve me in whatever you're doing here?"


"That's not information we can share at this point," the first figure replied cryptically. "What we can assure you is that your cooperation is necessary for both your safety and ours."


As much as he wanted to resist, Daniel realized he had little choice in the matter. The weight of his curiosity and the reality of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders. With a deep breath, he extended his trembling hand and took the robotic component from the first figure.


"Attach it to your lower body," the second figure instructed. "It will automatically align and secure itself."


Daniel hesitated, his mind racing with doubts. He had no idea what this integration unit was truly capable of or how it would affect him. But the haz-mat-suited figures didn't seem inclined to provide more information, and time was slipping away.


With a mix of apprehension and determination, he placed the robotic component against his legs. Almost immediately, he felt a series of mechanical movements as the unit adjusted itself to his body. It secured itself with a soft hiss, and he could feel the cold metal against his skin through his clothing.


A strange sensation rippled through him, a mingling of his own body's warmth and the cool touch of the robotic component. He glanced down and watched in awe as the machinery integrated seamlessly, almost as if it had become a natural part of him.


"Good," the second figure said. "You're now equipped to proceed."


"What... what do I do now?" Daniel asked, his voice shaky.


"We will guide you through the facility," the first figure replied. "Your integration will grant you access to areas that would otherwise be off-limits."


A mix of trepidation and a newfound sense of empowerment surged within Daniel. He had crossed a line into an unknown world, and now he was being pulled further into its depths. The robotic component felt strange against his body, but also strangely fitting, as if it was meant to be there.


As the haz-mat-suited figures led him out of the room and deeper into the facility, Daniel's mind raced with questions and uncertainties. He had dared to venture into the mysterious, and now he was on a path that would unravel secrets he could never have fathomed.


The haz-mat-suited figures led Daniel through a maze of sterile corridors and dimly lit chambers. He couldn't shake the feeling that his every move was being observed, that he was a pawn in a much larger game he didn't fully comprehend. The robotic component attached to his lower body felt both foreign and strangely adaptable, like it had become an extension of himself.


As they walked, the figures conversed quietly among themselves, occasionally glancing at a tablet one of them held. The hushed tones and the occasional cryptic phrases only deepened the sense of mystery and unease that had settled over Daniel.


"Good," one of the figures said, their voice filtered through the mask's speaker. "The redundant biological legs are being removed."


Daniel's heart skipped a beat as he caught the words. The implications of those words hit him like a ton of bricks. Redundant biological legs? He glanced at the robotic component, realization dawning on him. They were talking about his legs – his real legs.


"Wait," he managed to stammer, his voice trembling. "What do you mean by 'removed'?"


The figures stopped, turning to face him. There was a strange detachment in their demeanor, as if they were discussing something inconsequential.


"The integration process involves merging the robotic component with your lower body," one of them explained. "To optimize functionality, certain biological components will be removed."


Daniel's mind raced as panic clawed at his chest. This couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening. He looked down at the robotic component, his legs encased within its mechanical embrace. The realization hit him like a physical blow – they were talking about amputation.


"This is permanent?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of fear and desperation.


"Yes," the figure replied simply. "Once the integration process is complete, it cannot be reversed."


Daniel's heart raced, his thoughts a jumbled mess. He had walked into this situation blind, driven by curiosity and a dare. He had never imagined that he would be facing the possibility of losing a part of himself, of becoming something entirely different.


"But I didn't sign up for this," he protested, his voice cracking.


"We understand your concerns," the second figure said, their tone still devoid of emotion. "But you are now part of this facility's operations. Your integration is necessary for security and access."


Daniel felt trapped, caught in a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. The weight of his choices, his curiosity, and the dare he had accepted bore down on him. He had crossed a line into a world he didn't understand, and now he was paying the price.


As the figures resumed their march through the sterile corridors, Daniel's mind was a whirlwind of fear, anger, and disbelief. He thought of his friends, of the life he had known before this nightmarish journey began. He thought of the robotic component that had become a part of him, an embodiment of his curiosity and the choices he had made.


He didn't know where this path would lead, but one thing was clear – there was no turning back. The reality of his situation was a weight he would have to bear, a transformation he would have to come to terms with. As the robotic legs moved in sync with his own steps, he felt a profound sense of loss, of a future that had been forever altered.


The journey through the hidden depths of Area 50 continued, a journey that was both physical and emotional, leading Daniel into the unknown with no certainty of what lay ahead.

Written by - on 20 September 2023

Mask emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The sterile corridor led Daniel to yet another room, and he couldn't shake the feeling that each step he took was propelling him further into an unknown world. As the door slid open, he found himself facing a room that was unlike any he had seen before. The walls were lined with screens, displaying various data streams and complex diagrams. In the center of the room, on a metal table, sat a robotic tiger mask.


"This is the next step," one of the figures said, their voice echoing through the room. "You will need to wear this for the next part of the integration."


Daniel's gaze was drawn to the robotic mask. Its intricate design was both fascinating and eerie, a combination of sleek metal and lifelike features. He couldn't help but wonder what purpose it would serve in this perplexing process.


Swallowing hard, he turned to face the figure. "This will replace my face, right?"


"Yes," came the matter-of-fact reply. "You will not be able to leave the room without it."


Dread settled over Daniel as he contemplated the implications. He had already been through so much, his body integrated with a robotic component, his legs altered irreversibly. And now, facing the prospect of donning a robotic mask, he felt a surge of fear and unease.


"Can you tell me what's going to happen?" he asked, his voice shaking.


"We will guide you through the integration," the second figure explained. "The mask will allow you to access certain areas and systems within the facility. It's a necessary step."


Daniel's mind raced as he looked between the mask and the figures. He felt like a puppet in a grand scheme that he couldn't comprehend. A sense of powerlessness washed over him, and he struggled to come to terms with the choices he had made that had led him to this point.


With a heavy sigh, he approached the table and picked up the mask. Its surface was cool to the touch, and he examined the intricate details – the simulated fur, the piercing electronic eyes, the mechanical features that blended seamlessly with the artificial intelligence that now intertwined with his own being.


He hesitated for a moment before bringing the mask to his face. As he held it up, he caught his reflection in the polished metal surface. The face that stared back at him was a mix of humanity and machinery, a fusion of his former self and the unknown path he was treading.


As he secured the mask in place, it clicked with a precision that was both unsettling and oddly satisfying. The world around him shifted, his field of vision altered by the electronic eyes of the mask. It felt surreal, as if he was seeing the world through a different lens, one that was both familiar and entirely foreign.


"Good," one of the figures said, their voice emotionless. "The integration is progressing as planned."


Daniel turned to them, his voice laced with a mix of anxiety and urgency. "What's going to happen to me? What am I becoming?"


"That's not information we can share at this point," the second figure replied. "Rest assured, you are fulfilling a crucial role."


With those cryptic words, the figures turned and left the room, the door locking behind them. Daniel was left alone with the weight of his choices, the transformation he was undergoing, and the unknown path that stretched ahead.


As he stood there, his electronic eyes surveying the room, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was caught in a web of secrets and hidden agendas. The mask he wore symbolized not just his physical transformation, but also the mask he felt he was being forced to wear in a world he was only just beginning to understand.


Alone in the room, Daniel's fingers traced the contours of the robotic tiger mask he now wore. He couldn't deny the fascination that mingled with his fear. The intricate details of the mask were mesmerizing, and he found himself exploring its features as if uncovering the secrets of his new identity.


His thoughts were a jumble of confusion, uncertainty, and a growing sense of curiosity about the hybrid existence he was becoming. With a mixture of trepidation and a strange sense of empowerment, he tentatively pressed a button on the mask's surface.


To his amazement, the muzzle of the mask slid open smoothly, revealing the speaker that his voice was coming from. It was a surreal experience, as if he was witnessing a fusion of technology and biology in action. The transformation he was undergoing was not just physical – it was a melding of his humanity with something more.


Experimentally, he spoke, watching as the muzzle responded by moving in sync with his words. The mask's advanced technology allowed him to project his voice through the speaker while still maintaining control over the movements of his mouth. It was uncanny and awe-inspiring all at once.


As he continued to experiment, he discovered more of the mask's capabilities. The robotic ears atop the mask rotated with a soft whirr, tracking sounds in the room. The synthetic fur under his fingers felt strange, yet oddly comforting, a reminder of the animal he was now embodying.


Daniel couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, part man, part machine, and part tiger. The dichotomy of his existence was both unsettling and strangely liberating. He felt a connection to something primal, an ancient part of himself that was now intertwined with cutting-edge technology.


With a touch of amusement, he tested the mask's movement, tilting his head to the side. The ears responded with precision, rotating to track the sound of his movement. It was as if his own senses were now augmented, enhanced by the robotic features of the mask.


As he continued to play with the mask, a sense of acceptance settled over him. He had embarked on a journey that had transformed him in ways he could never have foreseen. Instead of fighting against the changes, he found himself embracing them, curious about the hybrid identity he was becoming.


With a sigh, he leaned against the table, gazing at his reflection in the polished metal of the mask. His electronic eyes stared back at him, a combination of humanity and machinery that now defined his existence. He had crossed a line into the unknown, and there was no turning back.


The mask had become more than just a piece of technology – it was a symbol of his transformation, a bridge between his past and the enigmatic future that awaited him. With a newfound sense of determination, he straightened up, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as the hybrid being he had become.

Written by - on 26 September 2023

The end (for now)

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