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Stay emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Bride?” Daniel whispered again. Stunned, wasn't she too young to marry?
“Stars bless me,” Annie ran over, excited as a school girl. Her wings flapped up and down and her lion tail swished around her in wild abandoned. “I've never seen this before. It must be because your such a rare colouring!” Annie pulled her into a hug, her large talons kneading her back.“I bet your mate is the desert prince!”
“It's true he showed up this morning!” The older sphinx beside Daniel spoke up once again. “Indra must have beckoned him!”
“He is handsome. Gold and black.” Another voice piped up. Soon Daniel found herself trapped with well-wishers and the curious alike.
“Where did she come from?” Another voice spoke.
“They'll make the perfect couple. I can't wait to see their nestlings!” Am older voice quivered. The voices overlapped. Daniel's head wiped around. She lost sight of the buildings, all she could see was feathers, and tails wavering in excitement. Her heart pounded hard in her chest, the louder the voices the harder her heart pounded. She felt like it was going to pound right out of her chest.
“Ah,” Daniel panted. She couldn't breathe, how could she? There were so many, too many, they were taking up all the air! “Ha,” Daniel tried to suck in some air but it didn't help, her head started to spin. Daniel's hands slips from the crystal ball, dropping her down hard on the ground. Even Annie was to caught up in the gossip to notice her.
“Clear out!” A voice boom, scatter the crowd like thunder in a clear sky. Daniel laid her head on her talons. Feeling weak taken in air in short pants. Looking up she saw a sphinx much like herself. His colour were grand. Bright purple and black, all edge with silver that shimmered in the sunlight.
“Indra called to me.” Even his voice was regal in its grace. “You must be Daniel, may intended my bride.” He said with his glowing blue eyes staring down at her. Daniel trembled with any urge to ran to his side, and left under his wing. Only by clutching her teeth together did she surprise the urge.
“Let us go from here.” Daniel faced two choices. Go to his side knowing that she wouldn't be able to suppress the strange desires forming within her. Or deny it and risk what may happen if he was to reject her.

Written by psto1464 on 23 January 2020

Take the Risk
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