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Something's wrong with Dave. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Let's go find Dave." Daniel walked down the hall back the way he came, and took a turn down where her friend went.


The hallway stretches out with many doors. Dave's scent goes through one of them.


Daniel walked up to the door and peered inside, her vision once again shifting to let her see body heat, and he saw Dave inside, his back to her. Suddenly every muscle locked up in her body


"Don't get closer!" Michelle shouted in his head. "Get out of here. Now."


"W-wha?" Daniel tried to speak, but was cut short.


"Now!!!" Her muscles acted on their own, turning her body around and rushing out of the room, turning around the corner and stopping just around the corner, and peeked out.


A few seconds later, there was a sound of gears moving as Dave stepped out of the room. Only, it looked like Dave in shape, but only in that. The skin was gray, metallic, and a little reflective.


The thing that looked like Dave turned it's head to the left, then to the right, looking towards Daniel.


She felt her body suddenly go cold, falling to the same temperature of the hallways.


The machine looked around again, before turning and walking down the hallway away from Daniel, going out of sight.


"That was close." Michelle said.


"Close? What was that thing? Where's Dave?" Daniel asked mentally, still unable to move.


"Unfortunately, I think that WAS him."


"What do you mean?"


"This place did a lot of experiments. One was creating a very good robot. I... I think that room was the one that did matter conversions. From what I remember overhearing, they used that to turn test subjects into machines, and took those apart to see about rebuilding them. David must have activated the device in there. He's no more. Only a security bot. And trust me, if he saw us, he would have either dragged us in there, changing us into something similar, or taken us to anybody in charge."


"But... he looked right at us."


"He is activated by motion, hence why I stopped us from moving. As for looking at us, I know you felt your body temperature drop. He would have easily seen us if we were still warm. By matching temperatures with the room, he couldn't see us using Infrared, which is the best thing to use here. I'm sorry Daniel, but Dave is gone. He's just a robot, and now we have to get your friends as soon as possible. If he finds them before we do, there's no telling what will happen to them."


Daniel gulped, and felt herself move again. "Alright." She turned and went down the halls, searching for the remaining two friends she knew were still here, running faster than ever before, her reflexes so well tuned that she was turning corners and running down halls faster than the eye could see. Little she know that she was being watched.

Written by Universal6 on 06 February 2012

Both In the security center

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