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Deja Vu emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel brought her bike to the gate, looking around as she walked. It felt so odd to be back there. She glanced down at the hole in the fence and without thinking rubbed the place her hand had been cut. Of course it wasn’t there now but for a second the faint ghost of its pain tingled on her palm.


“Daniel?” Pammy’s voice interrupted her thoughts.


“Ah, sorry.” Daniel quickly propped her bike against the gate and hurried back to where the others were standing. Daniel felt Pammy had been interrupting her thoughts a lot recently which was probably for the best since Daniel’s thoughts weren’t always kind to her. She couldn’t help but smirk a bit at the thought of a cheerleader being the voice of reason though.


“Pheeew.” Jake threw his hands up in the air as he stretched. He unclasped his hands and waved them at the ghostly military complex. “We’re back! Did ya’ miss us?”
Daniel snorted. Jake looked a tad surprised. He lowered his arms and looked away sheepishly.


“So...what now?” David asked the infamous question. Daniel really wished people would stop asking that, especially if it was directed towards her.


Written by Flutterbest on 18 May 2018

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