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Squeaky Drippiness star emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As soon as his finger hit the button, Daniel got a prick from the chair he was sitting in.


"OUCH!" He yelped, jumping up. He suddenly felt sluggish. His limbs slowly became unresponsive as he stood there, alone in the room. "Wh-what happens now?" He asked the thin air.


He decided he'd just have to wait.


Moments passed. Daniel stared at his limp, heavy hands and arms. Something seemed odd about them. They had a gray sheen that wasn't any human or plant he'd ever known. He gave a whimper of distress as they became even heavier, the sheen growing shinier. He could feel his entire body holding still, refusing to obey his commands.


"N-nnmnph?" He muttered, trying to speak through a mouth that would not open. His arms seemed to be fusing to his sides, melding together in a semi-solid goop, hardening again once they were completely indistinguishable from his torso and hips. His legs did the same, his feet spreading out to the sides, swelling to give him a larger base.


He realized that everything he was... was rubber! A light grey, smooth, squeaky, shiny rubber! Not that the observation would help anyone, especially not him, but at least now he knew. He strained to pull his arms away from his sides, to move his legs apart, but he could no longer feel them as a different part of himself. It was like they'd always been attached like they were.


His jaw had melted shut save for a little hole where his mouth had once been, the reason he was unable to speak, he realized. The world began to blur as his eyes changed next, losing all their color and becoming rubber orbs in a rubber skull on a rubber stalk. He could still see, but he'd need some seriously tweaked glasses if he wanted to see correctly.


The stalk that had been his body was not completely featureless. His malehood, though now a rounded nub, was erect, developing a very wide, very round knot at the base, extending his length several inches. A similar bulb formed around his neck. The two bulbs then began to unfurl, revealing themselves to be rubber leaves! They waved gently in the air, facing towards the lights overhead, confusing them for the sun.


"Mmmhmmph!!" Daniel tried to shout, struggling to move. Unfortunately, everything from his neck down was paralyzed. He could only watch as what had once been his member started to leak an incredibly sweet smelling slimy substance. With this came the sudden, intense sensation of an orgasm.


His entire body was wracked with pleasure as the orgasm carried on, making him moan and mewl through his former mouth. His once-shaft kept pumping out the seed every instant, confusing the poor plant boy while simultaneously filling him with great pleasure.


Minutes passed, Daniel squealing and attempting to writhe and buck, and the lights began to dim. The orgasm began to subside, finally letting Daniel have some rest. The leaves around his head and member closed up around him, shrouding him in darkness. He gave one last, exhausted moan before falling asleep.




"I can't believe he actually chose 'plant'. Heh, looks like I owe you ten bucks, eh Harry?"


"Heh, don't worry about it Frank. You can treat me to a cold one later."


"Sounds good to me!" The two burly henchmen exchanged as they loaded up the new, immobilized subject onto the dolly, watching the dim lights' reflection glide over his slick surface. He was to be taken to another testing room for their newest specimines, 'persuading' other boys like he had been to drink the juices he was forced to produce and study the effects, said effects usually ending up morphing those who taste the seed, for seed it was.


"Poor kid, though. Never gonna see his friends again."


"He'll get over it. Don't you know what these guys go through in the daytime? Boss says it's like... well like gettin' yer rocks off 'till you fall back asleep, then wakin' up to start it all over again."


"Damn. Lucky little punk, aintcha? Well, we better not waste no more time. Boss wants him set up in the greenhouse pronto."


"Already ahead of you." Grunted Harry, wheeling Daniel out of the room.

Written by Kibaoftheleaves on 24 July 2010

The end (for now)

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