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Meanwhile, somewhere not too far off from where Daniel was, Evanna was walking back home from work. Twilight hues cascade upon the evening horizon, the atmosphere seemed rather peaceful in general, almost calming. But there was something lingering in the air, a strange tinge to the atmosphere that had a strange static feel to it.


Her breaths were rapid, and she kept to a jogging pace, trying to reach her destination before full-blown nightfall happened. The small little hovel of Misty River had been having strange events taking place, strange events of people going missing, and odd creatures being spotted in the woods.


The sightings and the disappearances happened so often, many began to worry about it and the Mayor of the town had actually set up a curfew for both adults and minors. All were to remain indoors after nightfall, no one was to be out in the streets at night or they'd be escorted to the nearest station or residence for housing until the dawn.


She heard strange noises; it began to frighten her so. She was panicking, palms sweaty and heart thudding like the rapid beating of a loud drum, it nearly throbbed in her ears practically. She was starting to sprint now. She could see her house, it wasn't too far away. But the strange aura of darkness lingered, following her.

Written by Dalkr Moonfire Wolf on 31 December 2017

A male

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