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Awake emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Vision returned to her, along with her full mind.


Daniele looked around, she appeared to be in a cage, much larger than the one she had been caught in. The memory of her morning as a fox made her look over her body.


Yep still a fox, no change there.


“Now how to get out of the cage?” She thought “If only I was still upright.”


The moment she thought that, her body started growing, this time in reverse of her previous change. Soon she was standing upright. This time the entire room was gone, replaced with forest.


Walking forward she estimated where the end of the cage was and tried to shift back to the fox form. Not only was this one over quickly the cage appeared and she was outside it.


Hearing noises she hid in the shadows.


“So do you think this one will be the one” a voice called out.


“Her scan shows a lot of promise. Hopefully she won’t escape like the others or we catch them on camera to understand how they are getting out ” voice two said.


Written by catprog on 18 November 2017

The end (for now)

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