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About an hour later the two dragons sat outside a diner that was running a special during the festival, Daniel slurping noodles noisily as he got used to eating like a dragon. There were no chairs and the tables were specifically lowered to accommodate when they sat on their haunches. Throughout the last hour or so Daniel had told Rylac everything; from the teleportation machine that he had built to the misfire and then waking up in the body of the female dragon. The male's eyes widened a little bit with each passing sentence and when Daniel was finally finished the blue-scaled dragon just stared at him with his mouth hanging open.
"That's... quite the story," Rylac finally commented as he watched Daniel continue to fumble about with his chopsticks as he ate. "So you're saying you were human in a realm where dragons no longer existed, and somehow you got transported to this realm and became a dragoness?"


Daniel nodded and swallowed the food he finally managed to get into his maw. "I'm not exactly sure why I'm a dragon or female," he corrected. "All I know is that my machine locked onto these coordinates for some reason which caused the misfire."


"Well that would certainly explain all the confusion at the beach," Rylac replied as he took a napkin and wiped the broth off of Daniel's face, which caused the other dragon to blush. "So I suppose the next logical question would be what you're going to do now that you're here? I mean if your machine created this body for you when you got here that means that you never existed in this realm up to a few hours ago."


"I'm actually hoping a failsafe I built into the system activates," Daniel explained. "When it does I'll be transported back to my realm and I suppose I'll disappear from this one. If it doesn't happen... well, I suppose I can jump off that bridge when I get to it. I'm just glad that I met someone like you on the beach, I don't know what would have happened to me if I had to explore this place by myself."


Rylac stood up suddenly which caused Daniel to stop mid-slurp, watching as the male dragon motioned for him to follow. "Where are we going?" he asked, which caused Rylac to grin.


"Well from your estimation you only have a few hours left until you get snapped back to your realm," he replied. "I want to make sure you experience everything that this realm has to offer for a beautiful dragoness such as yourself. Fortunately for you I know how to have a good time in this town, so I'm going to make sure you do as well. Now come on, the night is young and we have a lot to do."

Written by Serathin on 07 March 2017

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