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Talking emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“About time.” Pammy said.
David blinked. “So.. none of you remember me being human?”
Pammy groaned. “David, I’m the only human in our group.”


Dani, Jackie, and Gazala traded glances. “We don’t remember it, but we believe you.”


Jackie blushed and ran to him, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. “Always my hero.”


Dani groaned. “You two, get a room already.”


Pammy rubbed her temples. “Ok, so Gazala said that all this ties into our town, the strange happenings that have been going on.”


Gazala nodded. “The answers are spoken as dreams.”


Dani snapped her fingers. “Well, yeah. I was having those odd dreams, of strange people, like scientists.”
The rest began to tell stories of their dreams, of how they had felt like they were being watched, being manipulated, being tested.


One by one they tried to piece everything together, Gazala nodding and shaking her beautiful face, helping them solve the puzzle until finally it reached Pammy.


“Then Dani broke the test when she said that we’d snap out of it. What if… everything before that had been from the fog, how many lives have we lived? How many forms have we taken? How many times have we changed? Maybe the reason we can’t find our family is maybe before we snapped out of it, we only remember having them?”


Gazala grinned wide. “The riddle is solved.”


Dani yip growled. “Well then, I say that this fog is obviously coming from up the road, if it has an origin, I say we find out where it’s from and we put a stop to this, once and for all.”


Pammy smiled. “Ok, it’s a plan. We take the car and we drive, using David’s horn to clear the path.”


David nodded and Gazala chuckled as she spoke, “He can negate the fog, but it will come back, we should use this sparingly, to track the origin. Be warned, Pammy, you are the only one unchanged. You will be most susceptible.”
She shook her head. “I don’t care, you all seem better after your changes. If whoever is doing this is expecting us all different, maybe it’s best if I undertake it.”


Gazala shook her head. “If it happens, it happens, but do not seek change or else it may backfire.”


Dani bit her lower lip. She had a crush on Pammy back when she was Daniel, and the idea of something happening to Pammy made her nervous.


“Pammy, I care for you, I know you don’t believe me, about having been a boy. But I always felt you and I were made for one another. Listen to Gazala, she knows what she’s talking about.

Written by Jack Ripper on 28 December 2015

Both Driving

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