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My oh Mayan! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The chief rises to his feet and motions for you to follow, already heading out of the lean-to. You hurriedly rise to your feet, surprised at how well the salve that was applied to your leg has worked. It still hurts a bit, but you can put some weight on it now, as opposed to not even having it usable before. You hobble after the burly man, feeling small next to his giant bodyguards. They try to come with you at first, but the chief shakes his head and holds up a hand. A shiver runs up your spine as you and the chief walk off alone. Whatever he?s going to show you must be important if not even his two guards are allowed to come along.


He leads you deep into the jungle, perking his head up and looking around every few steps, probably to make sure you aren?t being followed. It?s a bit hard to stay up because of how dense the jungle is, but you manage to do alright, keeping an eye peeled for any of those nasty spiders from earlier.


After walking almost fifteen minutes, you see a break in the trees up ahead. Stepping out into the sunlight in awe, you see a giant Aztec looking temple looming over you. The chief steps forward and extends his hand.


?The power you seek lives in here. I only hope you truly are the one to claim it. Others thought they were worthy. None have been so far.?


You nod softly, realizing that he?s saying you could quite possibly die in here. Your hands start shaking a little, but other than that, you retain your composure. The chief nods and walks off, waving a hand as if to say ?Good luck. Don?t die.?


You stand there for a moment, letting what you?re about to do sink in. It?s a bit of a terrifying prospect, but you?ve heard these legends since you were a child. There?s no backing down now. Not when you?re this close.


As you walk closer, you notice something carved into the stone below your feet. Wiping away some leaves that cover bits of the writing, you see a riddle. Whoever should claim the power of this island must simply walk upstairs.


Walk upstairs? That?s it? You ponder for a moment, wondering what to do about this riddle. There must be stairs inside the temple somewhere. It?s certainly tall enough. You look up at the layered structure, a bit in awe of the architecture that went into it. Still, you have a job to do, and it?s time to make a decision about how to approach the riddle.


Written by Zorpix on 13 September 2014

Both Think about the situation a bit

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