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Swimming in the same water? star star star star emptystar

<br/>A thought then occurs to you: You're swimming in the same water that caued the transformations. In fact, you've been completely immersed in the stuff for—your water-breathing spell! Fearing the worst, you probe gently at your neck... and yes, you have gills. <br/> <br/>What else has changed? Never mind that—not right now, at least. Best to get out of the water as quickly as possible, to minimise the effects, and then worry about becoming less of a sphinx. You take off like a nuclear-powered torpedo; your one-time rescuer actually has trouble keeping up with you! <br/> <br/>You go back to the room from before and cancel the water-breathing spell. Then you examine yourself in the open air. Well the first thing you notice is you still have the gills. Next, your fur; it's shiny from all the oil in it, also fairly short. The digits on your hindpaws are about six inches long and fully webbed. And your tail is no longer the slim, sleek, and sinuous thing you've come to love; while it's about the same length as before, it's also much thicker, much closer to the tail of a fish. Well... it could be worse, all in all. <br/> <br/>Still you have to go back through the water to get out. And that will change you even more. Unless you can figure out why your water-breathing spell went wrong; it was supposed to put a bubble of air around you so that you never actually touched the evil stuff! <br/> <br/>You then slap yourself. you can just dispell these changes like before. you cast the spell but unfortunatly for you nothing happens. The creature then speaks "yeah, I couldn't dispell either" Perhaps you two should compare notes? <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 29 October 2010

Female Comparing notes

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