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Shish... emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Get down, scientist guy!" As the flaming skull bounces around the room, the scientist hides under the desk. You whip out your trusty new shotgun and hold it barrel out on your chest, like you're going to commit hara-kiri with the butt.


The skull floats menacingly, eyeing you again.


"C'mon and charge, punk," you growl, "you stupid, stupid, punk."


And lo it does, mindlessly charging forward... lodging itself neatly on the end of your shotgun barrel like a slab of pork on the end of a chopstick (ooo, that really good stuff with the dark marinade, served with some white lo mein with soy sauce and egg rolls... oh-ho-ho-ho...)


"Semper-fi, b[izzn]itch."




The Lost Soul disappears. You twirl your shotgun for effect, shooting out a light accidentally (I guess that wasn't covered in basic.) The scientist crawls back out from under a desk.


"Phew..." he sighs.


"Let's keep moving," you say.


You exit the room with the scientist, who's name let's say is "Jack," and you now face a small hallway that leads to darkness. You see a few lights blinking, but they're small and red. You have to keep going, but how will you do it?

Written by Mr.Peaches on 26 September 2006

The end (for now)

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