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Mystic Waters emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

A fresh, cool, salty ocean breeze wafts towards you as you approach Mystic Waters; upon passing through an arch, you see a massive bay stretch out before you, the architecture looking decidedly Greco-Roman. A water park with slides of various sizes—seemingly made of marble, some even looking like ancient aqueducts—can be seen, as well as a Parthenon-like aquarium building that appears to be permanently wet and covered in seaweed, as if it had just risen out of the water like Atlantis come again. All of this is completed with an ampitheater surrounding a pool of clear water connected to the bay and a large wooden pier with various sales kiosks and outdoor restaurants lining it. Where do you go from here?

Written by CoggerD on 20 October 2023

The end (for now)

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