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As you leave the park entrance and head towards Pharaoh Land, the carefully-kept grass lining the sidewalks slowly give way to small streams filled with clear water and dotted with papyrus reeds, while the path itself changes from paved asphalt to a rough cobblestone. Outside of the streams, a vast desert—seemingly TOO vast to be held within the park—stretches toward the horizon, with date palms scattered across the area. The streams branch off and eventually join with a miniature river that flows into a delta, a strip of green among the sands. Dominating this delta is the massive pyramid you saw before, covered in smooth limestone and capped with what looks like pure gold; various rides, sales kiosks, and restaurants designed after palaces, temples and shrines fill the rest of the space, with the occasional obelisk completing the look. Where do you go from here?

Written by CoggerD on 04 October 2023

Both The pyramid

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