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Bast emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You hold the figurine of Bast in your hand, examining it closely as you weigh your options. The room around you is filled with dozens of figurines of gods and goddesses from all different mythologies, each one representing a different aspect of human nature. As you look at each one, you feel a sense of deep connection with them, as if they're calling out to you.


But there's something about Bast that draws you in. Maybe it's the way her eyes seem to glint in the light, or the way her feline form seems to radiate a sense of power and grace. Whatever it is, you know that she's the one you want to become.


You take a deep breath and close your eyes, gripping the figurine tightly in your hand. You feel a jolt of energy course through your body, and you gasp as you feel your muscles begin to shift and reshape themselves.


At first, it's a strange, almost painful sensation. You feel your bones cracking and snapping, as if they're breaking and reforming themselves in a new shape. You feel your skin growing tight and taut, as if it's being stretched like a rubber band. But as the transformation continues, the pain gives way to a sense of exhilaration.


You feel your body shrinking and compacting, your limbs growing more slender and supple. You feel your fingers and toes elongating, growing sharp claws that glint in the light. You feel your ears growing pointed and twitchy, your nose turning up into a delicate snout.


You open your eyes, and for a moment, everything is a blur. You blink, trying to clear your vision, and when it comes into focus, you realize that you're no longer human. You're an anthropomorphic cat, with sleek fur and piercing green eyes.


At first, it's disorienting. You try to move your arms and legs, but they don't respond the way you're used to. You feel a strange sense of weightlessness, as if you could leap to the top of the tallest building with a single bound.


But as you take your first tentative steps, you feel a sense of grace and agility that you've never experienced before. You feel your senses sharpening, your sense of smell and hearing growing more acute with every passing moment. You feel a sense of power and strength coursing through your body, as if you could take on the world and come out victorious.


It's not just your body that's changed, though. You feel a sense of transformation happening within you, as well. You feel a newfound confidence and self-assurance, a sense of being comfortable in your own skin. You feel a sense of freedom, as if you've shed the burdens of your old life and stepped into a new one.


You're still getting used to your new body when you feel a sudden rush of energy coursing through you. It's as if something inside you has been activated, and you can feel a sense of power emanating from within you. You realize that you are now Bast, the Egyptian goddess of cats. As Bast, you embody the essence of feline grace, power, and sensuality. You are a warrior, a protector, and a seducer.

Written by - on 26 May 2023

The end (for now)

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