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Escape Found? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“...I didn’t think anyone made it this far, but now that I see this, I direly wish they didn’t get far at all.” Feylin had to agree at the morbid statement as they saw a few bodies, decapitated, hanging from a tree. Secured by durable, silver rope, they were completely skinned, with their flesh missing chunks and such as flies and other insects picked at their corpses, feasting away on the carrion without a care in the world while the two still-living Morphs were utterly mortified by what they saw. Though, it was Tyrus who seemed to calm down first, adjusting his slung, stone sword before moving once more. “We need to keep moving; their corpses are both a good thing, and a bad thing.”




“They’ve been there for...some time, clearly, judging from the level of decomposition and the vermin that defile them. It means Nugruc’s been out here at some point, and hunted these few Morphs. And, considering that they’re a warming, we’re going in the right direction; he’s trying to ward us away from this area.”


“So there is a way’s unguarded and undefended?”


“Not a clue, but considering our current situation, do we really have room to complain? At this point, it’s either we escape, or we die.” And with that, Tyrus was walking, Feylin following suit and...seeing that the carnage didn’t stop. More bodies were hanging, some were impaled onto tree branches, and others were just plain on the ground. Sharing the same motif of no head and skin, they were all incredibly jarring for the feline Morph to see with each step. Nugruc was definitely trying to keep them away from the exit point, and wasn’t even employing guards or soldiers to do so.


He was using fear as its guardian...and it was working.


“Alright, it shouldn’t be far now...just a day of travel and—GAH!” Something leapt from the bushes and landed Tyrus in a flying tackle; the Hyena headed male struggling to hold back snapping jaws as Feylin realized it was one of Nugruc’s Odo hounds...and that meant...

Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 26 September 2018

Both Run

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