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“Be did manage to get me,” The alien tapped his eyeless head, and Feylin could see the extent of the damage; the knife had managed to slash to the just barely missed. “So I’m retracting my shame in denying the hunt.”




Tyrus just covered his gaze...while Feylin had some protest to such a thing, he could soon tell why.
He heard messy, wet crunching sounds...something was being sliced. Something was being cut, and severed. When Feylin managed to steal a peak...he deeply regretted it.


...he would never be able to scrub the memory of the bird Morph’s decapitated body, as the hounds tore and ripped it apart.


“A’s rare that prey manages to impress me in such a way,” He heard the creature drone on, as he rose, and began to walk away; evident by the retreating footsteps. “But, I have my will look good on my wall. Dine, my hounds...the others should still be in the area. I’ll collect what I can, and then you may eat what remains.”


And that, was when the snaps and rips being ripped as flesh was eaten. The beasts were all indulging all around them, and Feylin had to suppress the urge to vomit as his enhanced ears and nose kept him pitch perfectly informed on what was going on.


Those people...the Morphs he spoke with, and befriended, were being cut up, and being eaten by those beasts and their lord. He had a hunch when this all began, but now it was true; it was clear as day.
That was Nugruc. The one who imprisoned them all in The Grounds, and the one who was hunting them for sport...slaughtering them. Now that he witnessed it firsthand, it was harrowing. He showed no remorse, no guilt, and no hesitation in his actions. He truly loved what he was doing...and that’s what made him something to truly fear.


Feylin and Tyrus remained prone in the bushes, out of sight and smell of the hounds...being forced to listen to the distant sounds of the beasts gorging themselves on their friends and allies. The gravity of it all was setting in.


...they had to find that escape point...being treated of these forms came secondary. What came first and foremost, was making sure they didn’t end up like their allies.


Trophies and food, for a monster and his pets.

Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 20 September 2018

Both A few days

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