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Reality Hopping star star star emptystar emptystar

In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:


No more then


These measurements are based on your home reality.


Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.


When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.


If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:


Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2


If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes

Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004

Alterntive Scenarios from Other Stories emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

This is for characters from the other stories in other scenarios.

Written by catprog on 21 February 2016

Generic Person. Generic Settings emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

A generic person in a generic setting.

Written by catprog on 03 June 2017

Feline Female emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

He felt a dull, throbbing pain across his entire wasn’t fun in the slightest, and no matter how much he tried, he remained painfully aware of it...but pain was a good thing, from what he learned from his work. Pain was something good, in times of crisis.


Pain meant he was still alive.


Forcing himself awake, his senses came back in bulk as he felt his eyes sting from the light of the area. He was seated on a grassy patch, with a few, curled trees nearby, as the sun bore down on him. He could hear the distant call of beasts and other things in the distance, as the area filled him with a sense of serenity and peace.
Said sense was quickly smothered by the feeling of confusion and worry. How did he get out here? He remembered bits and pieces of things, but not the whole picture; how he got here in general?


As more sensations began to trickle back to him, he felt...unreasonably hot, and covered, while at the same time, unclad. It was...hard to describe really, and it was very pressing...something was wrong.


A sense of thirst was one of the few things he was aware of and understood; he needed to find some water.
Rising to shaky legs, he staggered and stumbled, until he found a pond a short distance away from his wake-up spot; dropping to his knees and plunging both hands into the crystal-clear water to pull out a handful and—
Panic snatched his serenity away in a flash.


His hands were furry. Covered in a thin, yet coarse film of sandy brown fur, his fingertips ended in jet black talons, almost like a feline’s made no sense. A sickening mixture of curiosity and worry washed over him as he stood with more furor; looking down to examine what had happened to him.


His body was covered in that same sort of hair, and he was naked as the day he was born, with his feet ending in the same, sharp claws. A glance over his shoulder rewarded him the sight of a winding and curling feline tail, telling him that...that scaled monster was telling the truth; he did twist his body!


...and then he noticed something far more pressing. His penis was gone.


Having to hunch over a bit, he saw that he was...technically not even a he anymore; a womanly slit rested in his genital’s stead, and said hunch told him he had a pair of blossoming bosoms now, not spared from the fur either, as he dropped down, to stare at his reflection. A pair of large, feline ears rested atop his head, as his face still looked overall human...but it was very clear, he was twisted and marred into not only something female, but not even human in the slightest!


What a thing to come to and see...


A rustle in the bushes nearby drew his focus; inching back, he watched another being emerge from the underbrush, this new person being...much like he once was.

Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 03 September 2018

Hyena Male emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

...for one, male...but also anthropomorphic as well; head that of a hyena’s, with fur covering him as well, though his was dark brown and spotted. He also wore a brown loincloth made from plant fibers, and in hand, he held an obsidian tipped spear.


Overall, he looked like another lost soul...but clearly, he was one who had more time to wander about.


“Can you speak?” The hyena-headed male asked, to which he...or rather she, nodded in response. “ should come; we don’t have a lot of time to waste. Don’t slow down; if you do, he’ll get you...and then no one’ll be able to save you.”


Well that was assuring.


Still, the feline being felt it’d be a good idea to follow with the male; the two of them beginning to trek away from the clearing, and through the forest brush; the sights now filling him with a sense of ire instead of the serenity from before.


Then again, it was hard to take in the beauty of something when your body was twisted into something else entirely.


“So, he got you too?” The hyena male asked, as he flicked the spear off, keeping it ready as he moved about. “Nugruc? He captured you as well?” That made his mind wander a bit, but unfortunately, he found nothing of use...just the idea in his mind that somewhere, he heard that name...though he remained unaware if it was positive, or negative. “Even went so far as to turn your gender too, from the looks of things and how additionally confused you are over things. You must’ve really irked Nugruc if he did such a thing to you.”


“I suppose,” Even his voice came out feminine now, as his eyes drifted down to look at his taloned fingers. “ this place?”


“Honestly, not all of us are sure. We just remember the same thing, the same concept; we woke up somewhere out here, with little idea as to who were were...just bits and pieces of our memories. Sometimes, we get trickles of our old identity, but overall...we have nothing. And as for this place in general, we’ve taken to calling it ‘The Grounds’...on account of what he does.”


“What...who does?”


“The thing hunting us out here...we’re almost back to camp, but for the name’s Tyrus. Not sure if it’s my birth name, but it’s the name I chose for myself. What about you?”

Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 07 September 2018

Both Can't Remember

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