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Please, no hugs. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You struggle with the zombie, trying to break its grip from your throat, and with no avail. You start to lose consciousness and your visions starts to dim. You have only one choice, hit him with a painful object. There are a few things you can use. The axe, the but of your gun, or the baseball bat you see lying next to you. You could also deliver a swift punch in the face.


The axe would most likely end the fight for good, but you may not have enough energy to swing it hard enough. The but of your gun would be the easiest option, as it is the closest and all you want is his hands of your throat. Then of course is the baseball bat, lying carelessly on the floor, which could prove useful if it were just a little closer, you might not be able to reach it though. A swift push to the face might be the best option to do, as it might catch the zombie off guard.


Choose quickly, he's nearly choked you!

Written by underdrag on 30 June 2006

Male Punch Him in the Nose!

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