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Reality Hopping star star star emptystar emptystar

In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:


No more then


These measurements are based on your home reality.


Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.


When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.


If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:


Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2


If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes

Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004

The Not-Quite-Earth star star star emptystar emptystar

You awaken in your normal bed, at the normal time, in the abnormal fashion of having 15,000 cubic meters of the Pacific ocean dumped on your front lawn, quite unexpectedly.


You must have missed the reality hop this time ...

Written by Jarrod on 04 November 2006

Animal TF star halfstar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As you are lying in bed you feel funny. You get up , only to see that you are changing. But to what?

Written by catprog on 09 April 2007

Female Skunk Taur emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The first thing you find is a large black and white tail growing out from your tailbone. As you look at it in shock you see it being pushed out and a new pair of legs growing.
Looking down you see between your front pair of legs go smooth and look behind but to your shock their is no buldge but the opposite. The fur from the tail then starts growing at the base and spreading quickly. You look at the white stripe and realise that your becoming a skunk. You look at your back legs and amend that: You are becoming a Skunk taur.


Then as if mocking you your chest starts expanding in 6 different directions. Oh yeah, female skunk taur. Still you do have the option of jumping in 24 hours.


Surprisingly your wardrobe is also changing. Your pants have disappeared altogether and your shirt is shrinking to just barely cover your new breasts. You gulp seeing at how much space it has left for them.


The fur by now is at your front and you look back. You do have to admit that your behind does look quite good. You lift one of the paws admiring it. You watch the fur move down reshaping the legs as they do so and in the meantime the spread of fur has also moved upwards. Looking at the newly appeared mirror you see the white strip contiune to move up your back towards your shoulders.


As the fur moves to the feet below , above the fur has hit the breasts. You gulp preparing and as you feared they start expanding. first the bottom pair. Before they finish the next two pairs start growing as well. You feel your back muscles strengthening as they take on the new weight.
The fur has now reached your neck and you feel it strengthening as your mouth and nose merge and stretch out into your new muzzle. Your eyes and ears reshape, the latter pointing up as you see your hair is now white and long .


As you look in the mirror, the room begins to change around you and one of the things you notice is there are lots of posters of boy skunks in bands . Saddle bags for your school books, which snugly straddles your tauric back. A new ID card on your desk catches your attention. It seems you are now back in high school. You look out the window. Your notice you're room is now on the ground floor.


"Katie, are you ready yet? The bus is almost here." you hear a voice from outside your room.


"yeah just give me a sec" you say.


"I'm not driving you, if you miss the bus you will have to walk."


You walk out and see a larger version of you, the mother you presume.


She kisses you and puts a lunchbox in one of your bags before pushing you out the door.


You see the bus stop and walk over there slowly getting used to your new form.


On your way their you hear "Wait up" and you turn to see a male rushing up to you before giving you a kiss on the cheek "Miss me? My summer vaccation was great , I'll have to tell all about it you on the way to school. Anything intresting happen to you?"


He looks at your chest "Your a bit more developed there."

Written by catprog + Aurana on 30 January 2012

School Time emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You whirl from the changes that so recently occured and nod.
He smiles "You din't forget me did you?"
You smile back "Of course not!"
He smiles "I hope we get some of the same classes this year.last year we did not have many of the same"
"Yeah, but if we don't it's ok. We can always hang out any time."
He nods. "Well here is the bus" he says as the bus pulls up to the curb. You follow him on and are stopped by another female "I have not seen you all summer, you have to tell me about it on the way to school". You look around and the male has alreasy gone up to another group.
You frown in dissapointment as you see him with another group, then sit next to her and smile "Ok, summer was ok. It was boring to say the least, I can't really remember anything too fun that happened." You smile at her "What about you? How was your summer?"
She nods and begins to tell you about her summer and before you know it your at the school
You sigh a little as you realize that you're about to get off the bus and enter school, then look at the girl you're sitting next to and smile "Well, I guess I'll see you in school." You get up and proceed to get off of the bus.
She smiles and you soon lose sight of her in the crowd. The crowd seems to be moving into a large hall. You check your id for your new name and follow them. You quickly find your name on the sheet and go into the line for the class.
You continue to wait in the line until it is your turn. You get your class sheet and look at it in curiosity.
It seems you have 2 diffrent science classes as well as two math classes. The other two are English and a school based apprentiship at a local vet.
You sigh "Great, two math classes, just what I need." You smile a little when you see the apprentiship.
As you think you do calcultions in your had and it seems like the jump gave you a lot more math skills.
You smile and giggle a little at your new math skills, then you look at your class sheet again "I wonder if he has any classes with me again..."


First though biology. You look at the room designation and then gulp. where is the L building? Luckily for you you soon find a map and actually make it there before the majority of the rest of the class. Unfortunatly for you, neither of your two new friends are in there.


You finish the class period and let out a big sigh "Well that was boring...I hope my new friends are in my next class, or any class...or else this day is going to be boring." You look at the map and locate your next class, it's a chemestry class and is located at the other end of the building, you quickly head over to your next class.


On you way there you run into the male and to your delight your in the same class. You keep an ear out during the roll call and finally get his name.

Written by Catprog + Poni on 19 February 2012

The end (for now)

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