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The waitress continues with her work, and you continue eating. You're sure she intended to come back, but as more and more of her "customers" asked for more food (there doesn't seem to be much to do besides eat here), it becomes evident that she isn't coming back. After a while, you decide to get on with whatever insane game you're in and start round 2. Your friend is going to stay in the timeout zone, so you'll have to go it alone and hope you two meet up again at some point.


As soon as you reach the Round 2 Door, you are overtaken by a sudden sense of foreboding. This cafeteria is your last refuge of certainty until you finish--IF you finish--round 2. As far as you know, you have only one friend in the entire mansion, and he's sitting in the cafeteria. Still, you press on, and slowly open the door. Beyond is darkness. Inky, impenetrable darkness. Even the light from the hallway behind you refuse to cross the threshold into round two. This impossibly dark doorway, coupled with the perfectly rational fear of going into mysterious doorways in mysterious hallways, stops you for a moment. Do you REALLY want to start round 2? In the choice between free food and a creepy doorway, free food clearly wins. But still, your only hope of escape is on the other side of the door, somewhere. You could also go back to round one and find a different door--stick to the devil you know, in a sense. Round 1 may be horrifying, but at least you know what it's like. So, what will it be? Round 2, Round 1, or keep stalling?

Written by Zodiac on 23 October 2007

Round 2

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