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Embarking! star star star star emptystar

Off you go, galumphing along the cold floor, your lizardly senses confusing you thoroughly with every step. The voice has told you the rules, and you can't now remember anything it said; you've been turned into a bloody lizard.


This does not bode well.


But! You vaguely remember what the voice quoth about the amount of days spent in a body affecting your human psyche, so, you figure, while the human body's got it's ups and its downs, the human mind is the Lamborghini of the natural world, and you would be a grade A dum-dum if you let it slip away. So off you galumph, confusing yourself and wondering how lizards could have survived so long.


You come to an ornate door on the ground level and push it open. A lit-up sign in the middle of the room reads "Sample the fruits of changliness below. But remember: the transformation may not be what you expect!" Said banquet lies below, spread on a cloth on the ground, as if the mysterious and yet unknown creators of the mansion had anticipated your four-leggedness. You decide you might as well choose a favorite item and chow down.


At that moment, a group of three men and two women bust through the door of the mansion, holding firearms. One holds a large, unwieldy bag. Without a word, they charge up the stairs, the one in the lead saying "Remember, no TOUCHING, no TASTING, no TALKING to the mysterious voices!"


The banquet lies before, the stairs behind.



Written by Mr.Peaches on 28 June 2006

You Follow the People
You choose an item from the banquet

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